The Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade is a great moment for America.
It’s good that the Supreme Court has finally righted its wrong. But it’s tragic it has come at the expense of more than 62 million vulnerable, precious lives. Unborn babies are the most defenseless of all human beings, and their right to life should not be in peril. Government should protect the most basic of rights, including, but not limited to, life. Roe was a massive failure in that respect. Good riddance to all the abortion clinics closing up all over the United States. Those regions are all the better for it.
SCOTUS cites in support of its decision what many of us knew to be true: “The Constitution makes no express reference to a right to obtain an abortion,” the “right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and tradition,” and “the Fourteenth Amendment clearly does not protect the right to an abortion.”
The John Birch Society has been on the right side of the moral line and the U.S. Constitution since Day 1 on this issue. In April 1974, we published a reprint of an article that appeared in our monthly American Opinion magazine, titled “Abortion: Yes or No,” by Dr. John Grady, a family physician.
“We believe we can prove that the citizens of the United States are being deceived, confused and brainwashed by a conspiracy which seeks to destroy all that is right and reasonable. Furthermore, the American people are being conditioned to accept the destruction of their own great nation, and are even being programmed to aid and assist in their own demise,” he wrote.
Dr. Grady continued,
Abortion is only one of many issues. The whole picture includes drug abuse, alienation of youth, disrespect for authority, religious decline, decay of the family structure, destruction of traditional education, revolution on the campus, racial strife, undermining of law enforcement and the judicial system, increase in homosexuality and perversion, inflation, repudiation of our currency, registration and confiscation of firearms, no-win wars, destruction of national pride and prestige, deliberate loss of United States military superiority and economic strength, planned and fabricated shortages of fuel and food leading to rationing and increasing controls over the American people, and the imposing of unconstitutional “regional government,” which is a subtle transformation of our American Republic into a federal socialist dictatorship.
Dr. Grady concluded, “Abortion is murder of the innocent, it is immeasurably evil, and it is American genocide. Yet to fight abortion without understanding and fighting the total conspiracy is to ensure certain and total defeat.”
Let’s celebrate that the Supreme Court finally got it right — more than half the states have either outlawed abortion or limited the practice of it.
And let this inspire us to never stop fighting for what is good and right. The JBS has many members who’ve been involved in the Right to Life fight. This moment is a reminder that the fight, no matter how difficult, is always worth it when the cause is right.
Going forward, we encourage all Americans to be more familiar with the tools available to us to right constitutional wrongs so we are not waiting another 49 years. The condition of America is tied directly to what the electorate will tolerate. And an electorate ignorant of the tools available to fix abuses will see those abuses flourish and multiply. The success of the Republic depends on the electorate. We need to be informed and willing to act.
The death of Roe should reinvigorate us to restore this wonderful nation that has been a beacon of hope for so many.
Join The John Birch Society today to bring about an electorate that will restore the constitutional basics of this country and win the larger war. Visit JBS.org.