![How the Decay of Our Language Is Spurring Societal Decline How the Decay of Our Language Is Spurring Societal Decline](https://thenewamerican.com/assets/sites/2/_img/124750/luis_opinion-1080x720.jpg)
The globalist-communist oligarchs understand that true power over other human beings comes from controlling what they think. And one of the best ways to control what people think is to control how they think.
To achieve this, controlling language is key.
For it is language which provides the framework along which our thoughts operate.
You cannot expect to run sophisticated modern computer programs on an outdated operating system. Likewise, the human mind cannot grasp or work with complex ideas — the kind of ideas a responsible citizen must be used to working with if he wishes to live free in a republic — if it is not equipped with the language to do so.
It is precisely for this reason that the “powers that be” have for decades been taking measures to degrade and dumb down our language. By getting the masses to communicate in a language that is debased, as opposed to one that is elevated and refined, they groom the people into becoming easily led cattle as opposed to enlightened freemen.
George Orwell demonstrated this principle well in his fiction. His novel Nineteen Eighty-Four famously depicts a dystopia in which people have been inculcated in the dialect of Newspeak, which is not only politically loaded to implant in the populace’s mind the ideas favorable to the ruling regime, but simplified in order to restrict the range of thought.
Now, using politically loaded language is a tactic that has been discussed frequently by right-wing thinkers. Terms such as “racism,” “xenophobia,” “pro-choice,” and “hate speech,” are just a few of the examples of terms the Left has popularized that inherently, by their mere usage, compel the user to buy into the Marxist worldview.
But there are two other aspects of the attack on language that deserve just as much attention: The first is the dumbing down of language. The second is the degradation of language.
Anyone who has read any form of writing from more than 50 years ago realizes that the level of the language of the average person, or at least the average literate person, has gone down immensely.
Even most educated people of today struggle to understand the writing of yesteryear. And this doesn’t just apply to literature or other forms of writing that would obviously feature more flowery language. The correspondence of regular folk in the 19th and early 20th centuries was light-years ahead of the emojis, abbreviations, and broken sentences of our contemporary text-message communication.
Just look at the letters sent home by Civil War soldiers to their sweethearts as an example of how the average person generations ago wrote like Shakespeare compared to the average person of today.
This can also be seen in public speeches. Those who are experts in public speaking understand that you have to speak to the lowest common denominator of the audience. Thus, most politicians speak using a fifth-grade vocabulary so that the rhetoric doesn’t fly over the heads of listeners.
And yet, you go back and read famous speeches from a couple hundred years ago and are impacted by the sheer eloquence of them, even when the speakers were addressing masses of working people just as they would be today. It’s virtually a foreign language.
Again, this decline in our language is all deliberate. As our means of expressing ourselves becomes more limited, so does our ability to think critically and creatively. We are literally getting dumber. Rather than becoming more civilized, we are becoming more animal-like.
Sadly, minorities are often targeted by the Left for this social engineering. Remember the movement to try to create “ebonics as a second language” courses in schools? That push may have died down, but the black community’s use of a limited, broken form of English as their cultural “dialect” persists.
Some might see this as harmless, but nothing could be further from the truth. By conditioning many black Americans to speak in a lower form of speech, the Left makes it nigh-impossible for them to think for themselves and to break out of poverty.
The Left has also engineered modern language practices for the purpose of making us more carnal. Social observers ask themselves why promiscuity, degeneracy, depression, anxiety, sexual deviance, lack of civility, and so many other social ills have become so much more prominent within the last half century.
There are certainly many valid factors, but one that is overlooked is the decline of our language.
Not long ago, it was extremely looked down upon to curse in public. Now, nearly everyone is used to swearing like a sailor all day long no matter what company they’re keeping.
In the past, you never heard foul language on radio, television, or the movies. Now, it’s commonplace.
The consequence is that, as our ears have become inundated with the coarse language, our minds and souls have become inundated with the coarse ideas and mentality that language communicates.
Remember, words represent ideas. As a result of the normalization of cursing, carnal ideas have become the norm in society.
There’s a reason it’s called “cursing.” People often forget that behind the naming of phenomena in our world is the wisdom of our ancestors.
Occultism is centered around the power of the mind. Occultists believe that changing the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings of oneself and others shapes physical reality. Thus, a curse is not so much about saying magic words, but about imposing a negative, destructive mindset on someone. Get a person to believe he is a perpetual victim, for example, and he is now cursed to continue seeing failure and victimization made reality in his life.
Curse words are literally “cursed words” because they perpetuate, in one’s own mind and in the minds of others, ideas that debase and destroy, rather than ennoble, the soul — in the same way a man debases his soul listening to gangster rap but ennobles it listening to Bach.
If we truly wish to restore the greatness of our civilization, we must begin by restoring the greatness of our language.