S. 4132 would statutorily require that healthcare providers would have a right to provide abortion services and that patients would have a right to receive abortions.

The Senate did not vote directly on S. 4132, but on a motion to invoke cloture (and thus limit debate) so the bill could be voted on. The motion to invoke cloture was rejected on May 11, 2022 by a vote of 49 to 51 (Roll Call 170; a three-fifths majority of the entire Senate is required to invoke cloture). We have assigned pluses to the nays because Roe v. Wade was deemed unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 24, 2022, giving states the power to determine how they handle abortions. There is no constitutional provision granting a right to abortion. Many of our healthcare providers are subsidized by taxpayers, and government should not subsidize the killing of innocent human life.

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