Federalizing Voting
Federalizing voting: If S. 2747, stalled because of a Senate filibuster, were enacted, federal requirements such as mail-in voting and drop boxes would make the restoration of election integrity all but impossible.

S. 2747 would implement a sweeping federalization of American elections. Among the bill’s provisions, S. 2747 would force states to implement nationwide Internet, automatic, and same-day voter registration. The bill would also mandate that states allow mail-in voting and make available ballot “drop boxes” for all voters, and implement early voting that begins at least 15 days prior to an election. Additionally, S. 2747 would make Election Day a federal holiday, limit state legislatures’ authority over congressional redistricting, and enact additional campaign-finance regulations. 

The Senate did not vote directly on S. 2747, but on a motion to invoke cloture (and thus limit debate) so the bill could be voted on. The motion to invoke cloture was rejected on October 20, 2021 by a vote of 49 to 51 (Roll Call 420; a three-fifths majority of the entire Senate is required to invoke cloture). We have assigned pluses to the nays because, under our system of government, state legislatures possess primary authority over regulating congressional elections.

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