During consideration of the Endless Frontier Act (S. 1260), Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) offered an amendment to, as he described it from the Senate floor, “simply prohibit any research funded, for the Endless Frontier Act, from using any fetal tissue obtained from an abortion and from creating, destroying, discarding, or putting human embryos at risk.” Lee’s amendment would have essentially codified the National Science Foundation’s agency policy banning research that destroys or creates human embryos.

The Senate rejected Lee’s amendment on May 25, 2021 by a vote of 48 to 51 (Roll Call 206). We have assigned pluses to the yeas because not only does the Constitution not authorize the federal government to fund any type of research that incentivizes abortion, but all human life, at every stage of development from fertilization onward, is sacred and taxpayers should not be forced to pay for the destruction and unethical manipulation of such life.

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