Weapons to Syrian Rebels. During consideration of the Defense Appropriations bill, Representative Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb.) introduced an amendment that would have prohibited any funding in the bill from being used to provide weapons to Syrian rebels. Fortenberry noted on the House floor that \”the rebel movement is a battleground of shifting alliances and bloody conflicts between groups that now include multinational terrorist organizations,\” that \”sending our weapons into this chaotic war zone could inadvertently help these extremists,\” and that \”it has already happened.\” He added: \”The naive notion that we can deliver weapons to vetted, moderate opposition groups at war with other rebel militias gives no guarantee that our weaponry won\’t be seized or diverted.\”
The House rejected Fortenberry\’s amendment on June 19, 2014 by a vote of 167 to 244 (Roll Call 328). We have assigned pluses to the yeas because arming \”moderate\” rebels in a foreign country is tantamount to going to war, which would require a declaration of war by Congress. Also, the United States should follow the Founders\’ advice not to become involved in foreign quarrels.