Amtrak Reauthorization. This bill (S. 294) would authorize $11.4 billion for Amtrak funding over the next six years. That amount would include monies for operating subsidies ($3.3 billion) and capital grants ($4.9 billion). If passed, states would be required to provide a 20-percent match of funds.

Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) opposed the reauthorization of federal funds to Amtrak. According to DeMint, Amtrak routes are so unprofitable that each ticket is federally subsidized by hundreds of dollars. Amtrak was created in 1970 and has been operating under annual federal appropriation funds since 2002.

The Senate passed S. 294 on October 30, 2007, by a vote of 70-22 (Roll Call 400). We have assigned pluses to the nays because spending billions of tax dollars for federal grants and subsidies for Amtrak transportation is unconstitutional.

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