Freedom Index

A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Congressional Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how members of Congress are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about the constitutionality of their congressman's votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Congressional Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

Scorecard 114-1

The Congressional Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how members of Congress are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about the constitutionality of their congressman's votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the 113th Congress (January 3, 2015 – January 3, 2017) and ranks congressmen based on his or her fidelity to constitutional and limited-government principles.


1. Continuing Appropriations

Good Vote: No

HR2028 Continuing Appropriations (Passed 63 to 36 on 12/9/2016, Roll Call 161). Provides funding for federal government operations at the fiscal year 2016 level through 4/28/2017 at an annualized rate of $1.07 trillion.

2. GMO Labeling

Good Vote: No

Amendment to S764 GMO Labeling (Passed 63 to 30 on 7/7/2016, Roll Call 123). Requires the Department of Agriculture to establish a national mandatory disclosure standard for genetically modified organism (GMO) food.

3. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

Good Vote: No

Amendment to HR2577 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (Rejected 60 to 37 on 5/19/2016, Roll Call 81). Prohibits the use of funds to carry out the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule and notice of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

4. TSA

Good Vote: No

Amendment to HR636 TSA (Passed 91 to 5 on 4/7/2016, Roll Call 42). Authorize funding for additional Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

5. Raising the Spending Cap and Suspending the National Debt Limit

Good Vote: No

HR1314 Raising the Spending Cap and Suspending the National Debt Limit (Passed 64 to 35 on 10/30/2015, Roll Call 294). Temporarily suspends the national debt limit and puts a ceiling on how much money the federal government is allowed to borrow.

6. Trade Promotion Authority

Good Vote: No

HR1314 Trade Promotion Authority (Passed 62 to 37 on 5/22/2015, Roll Call 193). Renews the on-again-off-again "fast track authority" that Congress has often awarded to the president over the past several decades.

Legislator Scores

Legend: [ + ] Constitutional Vote[ - ] Unconstitutional Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party State Score 123456
Lamar Alexander R TN 0% ------
Kelly Ayotte R NH 0% ------
Tammy Baldwin D WI 17% -----+
John Barrasso R WY 33% --++--
Michael Bennet D CO 0% ------
Marsha Blackburn R TN NA ......
Richard Blumenthal D CT 33% -+---+
Roy Blunt R MO 17% ----+-
Cory Booker D NJ 50% ++---+
John Boozman R AR 33% --+-+-
Barbara Boxer D CA 50% +..--+
Sherrod Brown D OH 33% +----+
Richard Burr R NC 17% ----+-
Maria Cantwell D WA 17% -+----
Shelley Capito R WV 17% --+---
Benjamin Cardin D MD 17% -+----
Thomas Carper D DE 17% +-----
Robert Casey D PA 33% +----+
Bill Cassidy R LA 33% --+-+-
Daniel Coats R IN 20% -.--+-
Thad Cochran R MS 0% ------
Susan Collins R ME 33% -+---+
Chris Coons D DE 20% +.----
Bob Corker R TN 50% +-+-+-
John Cornyn R TX 20% --+.--
Tom Cotton R AR 40% .-+-+-
Kevin Cramer R ND NA ......
Michael Crapo R ID 50% +-+-+-
Ted Cruz R TX 50% +-..+-
Steve Daines R MT 33% --+-+-
Joe Donnelly D IN 17% -----+
Tammy Duckworth D IL NA ......
Richard Durbin D IL 60% ++-.-+
Michael Enzi R WY 60% --+++.
Joni Ernst R IA 33% --+-+-
Dianne Feinstein D CA 0% ------
Deb Fischer R NE 33% --+-+-
Jeff Flake R AZ 83% +++++-
Al Franken D MN 33% +----+
Ruben Gallego D AZ NA ......
Cory Gardner R CO 33% --+-+-
Kirsten Gillibrand D NY 50% ++---+
Lindsey Graham R SC 20% +.----
Charles Grassley R IA 33% --+-+-
Orrin Hatch R UT 0% ------
Martin Heinrich D NM 33% -+---+
Heidi Heitkamp D ND 17% +-----
Dean Heller R NV 60% +.+-+-
Mazie Hirono D HI 33% +----+
John Hoeven R ND 17% ----+-
James Inhofe R OK 33% --+-+-
John Isakson R GA 17% ----+-
Ron Johnson R WI 33% --+-+-
Timothy Kaine D VA 0% ------
Angus King I ME 33% -+---+
Mark Kirk R IL 0% ------
Amy Klobuchar D MN 17% -----+
James Lankford R OK 50% +-+-+-
Patrick Leahy D VT 50% ++---+
Mike Lee R UT 80% +.+-++
Ben Lujan D NM NA ......
Cynthia Lummis R WY NA ......
Joe Manchin D WV 33% +----+
Edward Markey D MA 33% -+---+
John McCain R AZ 17% +-----
Claire McCaskill D MO 17% +-----
Mitch McConnell R KY 17% --+---
Martha McSally R AZ NA ......
Robert Menendez D NJ 33% +----+
Jeff Merkley D OR 50% ++---+
Barbara Mikulski D MD 17% -----+
Jerry Moran R KS 33% --+-+-
Markwayne Mullin R OK NA ......
Lisa Murkowski R AK 17% -+----
Christopher Murphy D CT 33% -+---+
Patty Murray D WA 17% -+----
Bill Nelson D FL 0% ------
Rand Paul R KY 100% ++++++
David Perdue R GA 50% +-+-+-
Gary Peters D MI 17% -----+
Robert Portman R OH 17% ----+-
John Reed D RI 33% -+---+
Harry Reid D NV 50% ++---+
James Risch R ID 50% +-+-+-
Pat Roberts R KS 17% --+---
Mike Rounds R SD 17% --+---
Marco Rubio R FL 33% --+-+-
Bernard Sanders I VT 75% ++..-+
Benjamin Sasse R NE 67% +++-+-
Brian Schatz D HI 50% ++---+
Adam Schiff D CA NA ......
Charles Schumer D NY 50% ++---+
Tim Scott R SC 50% --+++-
Jefferson Sessions R AL 67% -++-++
Jeanne Shaheen D NH 0% ------
Richard Shelby R AL 50% --+-++
Kyrsten Sinema D AZ NA ......
Debbie Stabenow D MI 17% -----+
Dan Sullivan R AK 50% -++-+-
Jon Tester D MT 33% -+---+
John Thune R SD 17% --+---
Thom Tillis R NC 0% ------
Patrick Toomey R PA 33% --+-+-
Tom Udall D NM 33% -+---+
Chris Van Hollen D MD NA ......
David Vitter R LA 25% -.+-.-
Mark Warner D VA 17% +-----
Elizabeth Warren D MA 50% ++---+
Peter Welch D VT NA ......
Sheldon Whitehouse D RI 33% -+---+
Roger Wicker R MS 17% --+---
Ron Wyden D OR 33% ++----
Todd Young R IN NA ......

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Republican 29.6%
Democrat 24.4%
Independent 54%