Sheldon Whitehouse - The New American
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Freedom Index

A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

Sheldon Whitehouse

Sheldon Whitehouse


Rhode Island



Phone: (202) 224-2921
Office: 530 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510

Constitutional Votes

Score Congress
10% Lifetime
0% 118th (2023-2024) 118th (2023-2024)
0% 117th (2021-2022) 117th (2021-2022)
21% 116th (2019-2020) 116th (2019-2020)
10% 115th (2017-2018) 115th (2017-2018)
15% 114th (2015-2016) 114th (2015-2016)
10% 113th (2013-2014) 113th (2013-2014)
15% 112th (2011-2012) 112th (2011-2012)
3% 111th (2009-2010) 111th (2009-2010)
18% 110th (2007-2008) 110th (2007-2008)
Sheldon Whitehouse

Sheldon Whitehouse


Rhode Island


Status: Active Legislator


Phone: (202) 224-2921
530 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
Home Town: Newport


United States Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control
Committee on Finance
Committee on the Judiciary
Committee on Environment and Public Works
Committee on the Budget
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe


Constitutional Votes

Score Congress
10% Lifetime
0% 118th (2023-2024) 118th (2023-2024)
0% 117th (2021-2022) 117th (2021-2022)
21% 116th (2019-2020) 116th (2019-2020)
10% 115th (2017-2018) 115th (2017-2018)
15% 114th (2015-2016) 114th (2015-2016)
10% 113th (2013-2014) 113th (2013-2014)
15% 112th (2011-2012) 112th (2011-2012)
3% 111th (2009-2010) 111th (2009-2010)
18% 110th (2007-2008) 110th (2007-2008)

Voting History