Biden Quits Race, Endorses Harris
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President Joe Biden dropped out of the race for president today after weeks of pressure from Democrats who were worried he would lose badly to GOP foe Donald Trump.

The decision ends Biden’s long and mostly destructive career in politics that saw him go from a relatively moderate Democrat and friend of “segregationists” to a woke leftist obsessed with normalizing sexual perversion and involving Americans in the Russia-Ukraine war.

Although Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him, the Democratic National Convention is now an open one.

“Protected Democracy”

Biden announced his decision in a letter posted to X this afternoon.

It opened with two falsehoods: “Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a Nation,” and today “America has the strongest economy in the world.”

Today, Americans might pay twice as much or more for gas and groceries than they paid four years ago, and in claiming that he “appointed the first African American woman to the Supreme Court,” Biden neglected to mention that he also appointed the first justice who didn’t know what a woman is.

Biden went on:

It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.

Biden said he will speak later this week to Americans.

Minutes after he announced his withdrawal from the race, Biden endorsed Harris, again, on X.

“My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President,” he wrote:

And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.

Weeks of Pressure

As late as Friday, Biden’s campaign team had said he would not drop out of the race.

“Absolutely, the president’s in this race,” campaign chief Jen O’Malley Dillon told Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “You’ve heard him say that time and time again.” 

O’Malley Dillon spoke as multiple news reports said Biden would exit the race. NBC reported that Biden Crime Family members were discussing the best way for him to exit the race, and The New York Times reported that Biden had begun to accept the idea that he must drop out.

On Thursday, Axios reported that Biden would drop out by the weekend.

For weeks, Democrats had pressured Biden to quit. Former President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Representative Adam Schiff, and Hollywood big shots all said Biden must drop out. Actor George Clooney told Biden to quit in the pages of Times, which itself editorialized that Biden must step aside. Big donors were withholding $90 million in donations if Biden didn’t give up.

The pressure campaign began after Biden’s disastrous debate with former President Donald Trump that showed Americans he was simply too old to serve another term.

Concerns clearly intensified after White House aides let slip that Biden’s day is done at 4 p.m. Then came the diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease from a neurologist. Biden himself admitted he’s ready to slip into his presidential jammies at about 8:00 p.m. 


Reaction to the decision was swift, most notably from Trump.

“Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve – And never was!” Trump wrote on Truth Social:

He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement. All those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being President, and he wasn’t – And now, look what he’s done to our Country, with millions of people coming across our Border, totally unchecked and unvetted, many from prisons, mental institutions, and record numbers of terrorists. We will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

“President Joe Biden is a patriotic American who has always put our country first,” Pelosi wrote on X:

Wrote Schumer:

Amusingly, X users noted that Biden was destroying democracy, which is what he and other Democrats have said Trump will do if elected.

“Joe just dropped out,” the 805,000-follower Kanekoa The Great wrote:

The Democratic elite, corporate media, and billionaire donors successfully pressured the candidate chosen by Democratic primary voters to drop out because he’s down in the polls and losing.

Democrats destroy democracy in pursuit of power.

“Exactly,” X owner Elon Musk replied.

“In the end, the Party Elites always win,” End Wokness wrote:

In 2016, they rigged it for Hillary by using superdelegates against Bernie. 

In 2020, all the candidates dropped out, endorsed Biden, as soon as the primary momentum was building for Bernie.

Now they forced Joe Biden out despite RECEIVING 87% IN THE PRIMARY.

This is not how democracy works.

Quipped the Babylon Bee, “Jill Biden Drops Out Of Presidential Race.”