Biden Has Flown In 530,000 “Migrants” Under Illegal Parole Program; Dems Vote Against Deporting Illegal-alien Sex Offenders
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If Americans need a reason to elect former President Donald Trump on November 5, the latest data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection just might provide it.

The Biden-Harris administration has flown in more than half a million “migrants” from Colombia, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela under its illegal CHNV program.

Fox News’ Bill Melugin provided word from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The agency doesn’t have the manpower to deport the penniless illegals.

Now, should any of those “migrants” commit rape — such as the two Haitian Biden “migrants” accused of the crime — Democrats want them to stay in the country. More than 150 Democrats voted this week to permit “migrant” sex fiends to avoid deportation.

CBP Data

The news about Biden “migrants” appears in CBP’s monthly release update — the continuing data dump that tells Americans the Biden-sponsored invasion of future Democratic voters continues full speed ahead.

“DHS [Department of Homeland Security] has resumed processing of new Advance Travel Authorizations (ATAs) in the parole processes for certain nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela (CHNV),” the agency announced:

As part of an internal review, DHS has implemented additional safeguards to the CHNV processes, incorporating rigorous enhanced vetting of US-based supporters, including biographic and biometric screening.

All CHNV beneficiaries continue to be thoroughly screened and vetted by CBP prior to their arrival to the United States and must meet other eligibility criteria authorization to travel to the United States in a safe, orderly, and lawful way once they purchase their own commercial airline tickets.

All that screening and vetting will be news to the victims of Haitian Biden “migrants,” flown in on BidenAir, who have been arrested for rape. It will also come as news to the family of nursing student Laken Riley. A Venezuelan Biden “migrant” who was released at the border awaits trial for her murder.

“Through the end of August 2024, nearly 530,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans arrived lawfully on commercial flights and were granted parole under these processes,” CBP continued:

Specifically, more than 111,000 Cubans, nearly 214,000 Haitians, more than 96,000 Nicaraguans, and nearly 121,000 Venezuelans were vetted and authorized for travel; and more than 110,000 Cubans, more than 210,000 Haitians, nearly 93,000 Nicaraguans, and nearly 117,000 Venezuelans arrived lawfully and were granted parole.

Since DHS has implemented these safe, orderly and lawful processes, encounters of CHNV nationals in between POEs [points of entry] are down 99%.

A near-100-percent drop in encounters at point of entry is hardly a victory. Biden has simply avoided that hold-up at the border and flown them directly into the country.

And, In fact, the processes are not “lawful,” as the impeachment articles against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas explained in detail. Congress did not authorize the program.

Undermining the Rule of Law

In an X post, Melugin detailed just how far the Biden-Harris administration has gone to undermine the rule of law.

Some 813,000 “migrants” have appointments to be released at the border, thanks to Biden’s equally illegal CBP One smartphone app.

“These are ‘lawful pathways’ created by the Biden administration, and these numbers do not count in Border Patrol data, as they are not illegal crossings,” Melugin wrote. Once in the country on a temporary two-year parole, the “migrants” are allowed to work.

“Every single ICE source/contact I’ve spoken with has told me the same thing — they do not have the manpower or resources to find and deport such a large population of people if they overstay these 2 year grants,” Melugin continued:

As it stands now, ICE’s non-detained docket is on track to hit 8 million by the end of the year, and each ICE officer currently manages an average of 7,000 cases. The agency is already tasked with tracking down and removing those with final orders of removal, aggravated felons, gotaways, etc. They physically do not have the bodies to track and remove this additional population — and there has been no government agency monitoring parole expiration, according to a recent DHS Inspector General report. 

The bottom line — the more than 1 million migrants the Biden admin has allowed into the U.S. via these programs are here to stay — even if they fall out of status and become unlawfully in the U.S.

That, of course, was the plan all along. If elected president, Harris has vowed to naturalize them and mint new Democrat votes at record speed.

Democrats: Don’t Deport the Rapists

And should those “migrants” commit rape, well, at least 158 U.S. House Democrats have a punishment for them: no deportation.

They voted against South Carolina GOP Representative Nancy Mace’s “Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act.”

Passed 266-158, with 51 Democrats voting for it, the bill would make illegal-alien sex offenders inadmissible and deportable. It would also apply to illegals involved in stalking, domestic violence, and child abuse, neglect, and abandonment.

The vote is not a surprise. Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut said that illegals are the “people we care about most.” Those people apparently include illegal-alien rapists and child molesters.

The message from Democrats: The Biden “migrants” flown directly into the country under the illegal parole program shouldn’t be deported after they serve prison. Rather, they must be permitted to stay, become citizens, and then voters. So rape and molest children all you want.

And that goes for the rest of them.

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