Dutch farmers are fighting for their farms, their livelihoods, and their lives. For weeks they have blockaded highways, streets, supermarkets, and government buildings with their tractors. The Dutch government — following the lead of the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — is imposing new “green” policies that the government acknowledges will put many farmers out of business. Under the pretext of protecting the environment and global “biodiversity,” farmers face fines and rigid restrictions on their use of fertilizer, and many are being ordered to drastically cull their cattle herds, by as much as 25 to 95 percent.
Coming on the heels of the devastating impact of the Covid lockdowns, the new farm mandates threaten to destroy many of Holland’s farmers, who are the most innovative and productive farmers in Europe and the continent’s largest agricultural exporters. In fact, tiny Netherlands — only slightly larger in area than Maryland — is second only to the United States (which is 237 times larger) in agricultural exports. But the government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte is determined to wipe out Holland’s independent farmers and replace them with corporate megafarms operating under the Food Action Alliance (FAA), a program recently launched by the globalist billionaires club known as the World Economic Forum (WEF).
The draconian new farming regulations that the Rutte government announced in June were set in motion a year and a half earlier, in January 2021, at the WEF’s annual celebrity soirée in Davos, Switzerland. As one of the WEF panelists on the program entitled “Transforming Food Systems and Land Use,” PM Rutte proudly revealed that the Netherlands city of Wageningen had been selected by the WEF to be the host of the WEF’s new Global Coordinating Secretariat (GCS) for the Food Innovation Hubs of its FAA.
A brief clip of Rutte’s statement at the Davos Agenda Week 2021 can be seen in the video below. (It can be viewed in the context of the full panel program, “Transforming Food Systems and Land Use,” here.)
Like Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a WEF Young Global Leader who labeled peaceful Canadian truckers as “racists” and brutally attacked their protests with military and police forces, Rutte has not hesitated to scorn the Dutch farmers as “a**holes” and send the military and police against them. Rutte, who is in his fourth iteration as prime minister and leader of a coalition government, clearly sees himself as a servitor of the WEF, not the Dutch citizens and taxpayers who elected him.
Implementing the UN’s Agenda 2030
In September 2021, nine months after Rutte’s appearance on the WEF’s “food systems” panel, the United Nations held its Food Systems Summit at the UN headquarters in New York City, with UN Secretary-General António Guterres presiding and Professor Louise Fresco of Wageningen University & Research (the new WEF Hub Secretariat) serving as vice chair of the summit’s Scientific Group.
As quickly becomes obvious, the WEF and the UN are singing from the same sheet music when it comes to controlling global “food systems.” And their plans for control do not bode well for human life and freedom on this planet.
Guterres, who was president of the ultra-left Socialist International from 1999-2005, has been a regular WEF participant for decades in various capacities: as prime minister of Portugal, president of the European Council, UN high commissioner for refugees, and now UN secretary-general.
In 2019, Guterres formalized the long-standing relationship between the WEF and the UN by signing a Strategic Partnership Framework with WEF founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab. According to a WEF press release, the agreement outlines “areas of cooperation to deepen institutional engagement and jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
And we find on the WEF’s Food Action Alliance webpage that “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development informs the ambition of the FAA to provide an enduring and long-term platform for multi-stakeholder action on food systems to meet the SDGs.”
The SDGs referred to above are, of course, the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These goals hearken back to the 1992 UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As the UN’s own SDG website puts it: “The SDGs build on decades of work by countries and the UN, including the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.”
At the 1992 Earth Summit, more than 178 countries adopted the Agenda for the 21st Century — known as Agenda 21 — a comprehensive plan of action “to build a global partnership for sustainable development to improve human lives and protect the environment.”
That’s the UN’s spin on it. However, as we have reported extensively over the years, Agenda 21 (and now its successor, Agenda 2030) is a totalitarian agenda for complete control and regimentation of the entire planet — and every person on it. (See, for instance, here, here, and here.
WEF’s “New Vision for Agriculture”
The UN’s Agenda 21 vision for planetary regimentation, including total regulation of food production, received a giant boost with the WEF’s New Vision for Agriculture (NVA) initiative. In 2010, in collaboration with McKinsey & Company, the world’s largest management/consultancy group, the WEF released its NVA report titled Realizing a New Vision for Agriculture: A Roadmap for Stakeholders.
A new vision for farming is required, say the WEF globalists, because of global warming, population growth, and the need to protect biodiversity. While paying lip service to “market-based” and “market-oriented” approaches, as well as supposed concern for “small and medium-sized enterprises” and “smallholder” farmers, it is manifestly clear that the WEF’s “New Vision” is the organization’s same old dystopian vision of a world run by soulless corporate oligarchs. “The World Economic Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture initiative is led by 17 global companies that are Industry Partners of the Forum,” the WEF/McKinsey report admits. It continues:
The 17 global companies that championed the initiative are Archer Daniels Midland, BASF, Bunge, Cargill, The Coca-Cola Company, DuPont, General Mills, Kraft Foods, Metro, Monsanto Company, Nestlé, PepsiCo, SABMiller, Syngenta, Unilever, Wal-Mart Stores and Yara International.
Besides financial support from these woke corporatists, the WEF’s NVA has received generous funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, two of the biggest boosters of global political control over population and food production and distribution. (We have reported previously on the longtime Rockefeller/WEF ties and the Rockefeller Foundation report entitled Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System, issued in July of 2020 to coincide with the WEF’s Great Reset. See: Bill Gates, Davos Elites Pushing Global Food Control Under Guise of “Food Security”)
European Union’s Natura 2000: Implementing WEF’s Great Reset
The United Nations and the WEF have been cooking up these food-control schemes for many years, but the destructive new mandates being imposed on the Dutch farmers are coming through the European Union’s “green” schemes known as Natura 2000 and the European Green Deal.
Natura 2000 purports to protect a network of sensitive habitats and waterways throughout the European Union from various forms and sources of pollution. It is the European Union’s stealth implementation of the UN’s Convention on Biological Diversity that came out of the 1992 Earth Summit. Few EU residents are even aware of the program or realize that international technocrats and enviro-activists have designated their local areas for stringent “protection.” The Dutch farmers are being accused of putting too much nitrogen oxide and ammonia into the air and into water runoff near Natura 2000 sites. If the EU politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels have their way, they will be tightening the screws even more. The EU’s Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 states, “The EU will enlarge existing Natura 2000 areas, with strict protection for areas of very high biodiversity and climate value.”
However, Holland’s farmers protest that they have been spectacularly reducing nitrogen oxide and ammonia for decades, even while greatly increasing meat production. Author Michael Shellenberger, the founder of Environmental Progress, says the farmers have science on their side. He cites statistics from the Dutch government showing a dramatic, steady decline in both nitrogen oxide and ammonia pollution since the 1990s. “Data show ammonia pollution from manure has already declined by nearly 70% since 1990. And farmers say they will continue to reduce pollution as they put in place low-cost, common-sense fixes,” says Shellenberger, a liberal who describes himself as an “ecomodernist.”
Jan Cees Vogelaar, former chairman of the national dairy farmers association, says it’s really a sham issue fomented by the militant vegetarian/vegan activists in their war on meat. “There is a small group of left-wing people, many of whom are vegetarians, who have for 35 years made many arguments to reduce livestock,” he says. Dr. Jaap Hanekamp, an associate professor of chemistry at University College Roosevelt in the Netherlands, challenges the “science” being used to attack the farmers. “Nitrogen chemicals are nutrients — you need them for growing plants,” he pointed out in an interview with The Epoch Times. Hanekamp also takes issue with the nitrogen “critical load” designation used to justify the punitive regulation of the farmers and has co-authored a study examining the experiments and reports that were used to develop the critical-load criteria.
The EU’s Green Deal is focused largely on killing fossil fuels under the pretext of stopping global warming. Its website explains that “The European Commission adopted a set of proposals to make the EU’s climate, energy, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.”
Forget Meat and Dairy, Just Eat Bugs
What the Dutch farmers are feeling are the effects of the Great Reset, the WEF’s megalomaniacal scheme to “reset” (i.e., restructure or transform) the entire planet and all humanity politically, socially, economically, morally, spiritually, and biologically. The WEF is mobilizing its high-powered networks of politicians, academics, scientists, business titans, media allies, religious leaders, and AstroTurf activists to take us to the Orwellian future of Agenda 21 — and beyond.
In that future envisioned by the UN-EU-WEF elites, you and I (and others like us) will eat weeds and bugs — and “ingenious” lab food made from weeds, bugs, algae, and bacteria. But don’t worry; it will be made to look, smell, feel, and taste like real meat — or so they assure us. Meanwhile, don’t bet that their menu will include the same fare. The yachts, jets, penthouses, and palatial estates of the Davos set will most assuredly continue to serve the five-star cuisine to which they are accustomed and to which they believe they are entitled.
In January 2019, the WEF came out with its Alternative Proteins report, part of its “Meat: the Future” series. According to this WEF report, a bug-based diet has much to commend it — to the common folk, that is:
Insects have also received considerable attention, in particular because they can be reared on feed that is unsuitable for livestock and which otherwise would be wasted or have low economic value, thus contributing to a more “circular” agricultural economy. Innovation in this area includes the discovery and investigation of new insect species of value for food production, and developments in how they may be produced economically at scale. Insects can be consumed in their natural state, although to increase acceptability in cultures where insect consumption is not traditional, there is also research into developing novel products that contain insects in a different form, for instance as flour.
The WEF’s 2019 promo for yummy bugs aimed at popularizing a notion that’s been around for a few years. In 2013, for instance, The New American wrote on a new report titled Edible Insects put out by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to sell the meat-eating populations of the developed world on the virtues of a “sustainable” creepy-crawly diet. Interestingly, the FAO report was created in collaboration with Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Yes, the same Wageningen that is the site of the WEF’s new Global Coordinating Secretariat for the Food Innovation Hubs of its Food Action Alliance.
No Farmers, No Food
Perhaps you’re beginning to get the picture that this is a global thing and not just a Dutch farmer thing. Farmers in Denmark, Belgium, Germany, and France are facing the same fate, as are farmers in Canada, Australia, Japan, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Brazil, Ethiopia, and the United States. In fact, farmers and ranchers everywhere are being targeted by the globalists for destruction and assimilation into “scalable” China-style corporate megafarms. If the globalists are allowed to succeed, millions of independent family farms across the globe will be wiped out and replaced by a few dozen government-favored crony corporatists. Then, based on something resembling Communist China’s “social credit” system, the government-corporate politburo will be able to determine if you and your family get food, as well as when you get it, what types of food you get, and in what quantities. That is a recipe for absolute tyranny and something all Americans should fight with every fiber of their being.
To learn more about Agenda 21/2030 and what can be done to stop it, click here.
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