Little did CVS’s customers know until this week that each time they paid for a prescription at the pharmacy, they also paid for hourly employees to get a dose of Critical Race Theory.
The latest on corporate America’s surrender to leftist propaganda, from City Journal’s Chris Rufo, said the gargantua of drug-store chains inoculated employees with “antiracist” training to “deconstruct their ‘privilege.’”
Among the privileges CVS seeks to deconstruct are celebrating Christmas and having easy-to-pronounce names. Indeed, employees aren’t just “privileged.” They are racist, and trained to be so since birth, and therefore must learn to speak differently.
Yet the lesson in Rufo report goes beyond just revealing another outrage. It shows just how deeply leftist ideology has penetrated the boardrooms of major corporations. Average Americans buy their products, only to learn that corporate executives think their underpaid employees are privileged racists.
“Soaked” In Racism
Of course, the company turned to anti-white CRT peddler Ibram Kendi, “who told 25,000 CVS employees that ‘to be born in [the United States] is to literally have racist ideas rain on our head consistently and constantly,’” Rufo reported:
Kendi argued that Americans are “walking through society completely soaked in racist ideas,” including children as young as two to three years old. “Our kids are basically functioning on racist ideas, choosing who to play with based on the kid’s skin color,” Kendi said. The solution, in part, is to “diagnose” employees as “racist” in order to help them become “antiracist” and “stop hurting somebody else.”
But the hate program didn’t stop there.
It also included material on “intersectionality” with which employees are ordered “to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves according to their ‘privilege.’”
“The training asked CVS employees to circle their identities — including race, gender, sexuality, and religion — and then reflect on their “privilege” during the discussion,” Rufo divulged:
Examples of privilege, according to a checklist, included “celebrat[ing] Christmas,” “hav[ing] a name that is easy to pronounce,” “feel[ing] safe in your neighborhood at night,” and “feel[ing] confident in my leadership style.”
Employees also had to learn not to use “‘problematic phrases,’ including ‘I’m colorblind,’ ‘I grew up poor,’ ‘peanut gallery,’ ‘I’m not racist,’ and ‘we must stand up for minorities’” because all those statements are racist in and of themselves and “could be seen as discrediting the experiences of Black people and their culture.”
Plutocrat Merlo
Even worse than program might be the person who foisted on the captive workers.
The recently retired Merlo, Rufo observed, is another of the corporate plutocrats who calls hourly schlubs “privileged” as he rakes in tens of millions of dollars in salaries and benefits. He earned 618 times what the average CVS worker earned.
He “was called ‘the most obscenely overpaid CEO in America,’” Rufo wrote. Total annual compensation: $22 million. The average CVS employee earned $35,529.
Understandably, employees aren’t all that happy with the hate-whitey program. “I have worked at CVS a long time, and we have never had a problem with discrimination or division,” one told Rufo. “Quite the opposite: people of diverse backgrounds always have pulled together to solve complex problems.”
Though Merlo is gone, the company’s corporate bureaucrats are still forcing the toxic snake oil down the throats of employees. Those who object will face ““swift action against non-inclusive behaviors.”
Other Woke Companies
CVS’s employees are just the latest alienated workers who have turned to Rufo with insider documents.
Google tells its already-woke workforce that the United States is based upon a “system of white supremacy” and that Americans are “raised to be racist.” Google too sought Kendi’s anti-white opinions, which include the claim that denying one is a racist is racist itself.
Raytheon, the defense contractor, has spread Kendi’s poison to its employees. They received detailed instructions on “What Not To Say to Your Black Colleagues Right Now.”
Raytheon even created “resource groups” to segregate employees. The collectives include “RayPride” for homosexuals, RayBen, the black employees network, and other fringe group for Asian, Hispanics, Indians, and women.
Whites, men, and Christians enjoy no such privilege at the company.
Hat tip: Fox News