On Thursday, Iowa Republican Governor Kim Reynolds signed a bill banning biological males from competing in women’s sports programs offered by educational institutions, making Iowa the 11th state to pass such a ban. In a statement, Reynolds called the ban “a victory for girls’ sports in Iowa,” saying that “Forcing females to compete against males is the opposite of inclusivity and it’s absolutely unfair.”
While the “transgender” train has plugged along without much in the way of interference until lately, more and more states seem to be realizing that there is a fundamental difference between males and females. On of those differences is that males — as a rule — are stronger and have more stamina than females. As Reynolds said in her statement:
This is a victory for girls’ sports in Iowa. No amount of talent, training or effort can make up for the natural physical advantages males have over females. It’s simply a reality of human biology.
And the bill does not only address sports at the college level. HF 2416 governs sports programs at every school level in Iowa, requiring student athletes to only participate in sports based on the biological sex listed on their birth certificate. It also requires schools to designate sporting events as either co-ed, male, or female. As Reynolds explained in a press release, “No student will be prevented from playing a sport that matches his or her biological sex, or a sport designated as co-ed.”
But while there is clearly no discrimination (in the sense of negatively targeting someone for exclusion) in the bill, that fact did not prevent the LGBTQ+ lobby from blasting the bill as an “unjustified law” that caused “young people in Iowa [to be] cruelly kicked out of school sports.”
GLAAD took some time off of slamming Texas Republican Governor Gregg Abbott for banning child mutilation in the Lone Star state to declare Reynold’s ban as a toll for “targeting trans youth and their families.” In a Thursday tweet, Sarah Kate Ellis, CEO of GLAAD, wrote:
State elected officials need to stop targeting trans youth and their families. As a parent, my heart goes out to all the young people in Iowa who were just cruelly kicked out of school sports by the unjustified law @IAgovernor Kim Reynolds signed today.
But how does banning biological males (which is the only kind of male) from female sports kick biological males out of sports? Of course, it does not, since biological males who identify as”females” would still be able to participate in sports for males. But Ellis is wrong about more than just this. Among her “accomplishments,” she lists that she is the author of Times Two: Two Women in Love and the Happy Family They Made and a children’s book, All Moms. Her bio on Twitter lists her as “mother of twins.” That is a strange way of listing the fact that she and her “wife” gave birth three days apart after they both got pregnant from sperm from a fertility clinic. She may be a mother and her faux “wife” may be a mother, but that does not make the two children “twins.”
Ellis also claims that HF 2416 is “targeting trans youth and their families.” But as already indicated, the bill still allows “trans” students to play sports; it simply says that for all non-co-ed sports, males must participate in those sports with other males — not females.
But that logic is apparently lost on the likes of Ellis, who also tweeted:
These anti-LGBTQ state laws are being passed rapidly all over the country, causing direct harm to our community. We need federal anti-discrimination protections like the Equality Act to pass as soon as possible.
But far from “causing direct harm” to anyone, the bills passed in 11 states and counting actually protect girls. Not only is it — as Reynolds said — “absolutely unfair” for it to be a requirement that girls who compete in school sports must do so against boys, but it also means shared locker rooms and other intimate spaces. As Reynolds said as she signed the bill, “It worries me that this bill is needed at all,” adding, “It’s hard to imagine how anyone who cares about the rights of women and girls could support anything less.”
With roughly 30 states moving to pass similar legislation and 11 states having done so, it is apparent that Democrats’ vision for America is not the vision held by most Americans. And chief among Democrat “visionaries” for a perverted and rainbow-clad America is President Joe Biden, who in Tuesday’s State of the Union address called on Congress to enact the radically progressive Equality Act and also criticized the “onslaught of state laws targeting transgender Americans and their families.” He added, “As I said last year, especially to our younger transgender Americans, I’ll always have your back as your president so you can be yourself and reach your God-given potential.”
As November approaches, the divide between Biden’s America and the real America will likely only grow wider. As Democrats continue to press forward with their efforts to transform America, the culture wars are heating up.