![CDC: Mask Up Again, Even if You’re Vaccinated CDC: Mask Up Again, Even if You’re Vaccinated](https://thenewamerican.com/assets/sites/2/_img/125376/child_mask-1080x720.jpg)
A mere two months after saying that people who have been vaccinated no longer need to mask in public, the CDC has reversed course. On Tuesday, the CDC released new “guidance” stating that even the vaccinated should resume wearing masks in public indoor settings in parts of the country where the “Delta variant” is prominent.
In its newest iteration, the CDC guidance recommends people wear masks in areas where there have been more than 50 new infections per 100,000 residents over the previous seven days, or where more than eight percent of tests are positive for infection over that same rolling period. It also recommends that all teachers, staff, students, and visitors in all K-12 schools go back to wearing masks — regardless of infection rates in their area — whether they have been vaccinated or not.
CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky announced the change Tuesday, saying, “This is not a decision we at CDC have made lightly. This weighs heavily on me.” And since Walensky was unmasked during her announcement, her grave countenance was on full display. One could have almost believed CDC was sorry to — again — politicize a virus. But then she pulled out a family size vat of blame and started dumping it all over anyone who has not fallen for the fear tactics designed to induce Americans to accept an experimental vaccine with a survival rate that makes it not all that scary.
She said, “The most important thing that we need to say right now is we have a lot of this country that has a lot of viral burden that’s driven by a lot by people who — and mostly — by people who are unvaccinated. Those are the people driving the new infections.” That is a lot of lots. And perhaps this writer can be forgiven his skepticism for thinking that when someone sounds like they are exaggerating, it may just mean they are.
Furthermore, the “new infections” Walensky claims are “driven” by unvaccinated people don’t seem to amount to much. Or at the very least, they don’t have to for CDC to slap masks on the faces of Americans again. CDC’s guidance requires masking in any area where there have been more than 50 new infections per 100,000 residents over the previous seven days. That equates to a .0005-percent increase. And for that .0005-percent “spike” in cases (not deaths, just cases) it is time for Americans to literally stop breathing free air. Again.
Walensky’s exaggeration appears to cross the line into outright falsehood; It is possible to stretch the truth, but Walensky goes too far and actually breaks it. Because her party line claim that those recalcitrant unvaccinated folks are to blame begins to wear thin under the first bit of examination. Remember that the CDC “guidance” does not differentiate between good, vaccinated people and those horrid, unvaccinated scoundrels who threaten life on this planet one .0005 percent spike at a time. No, there is no distinction — all must mask. This of course brings up some interesting questions: How can the unvaccinated be to blame for endangering the vaccinated if the vaccinated are protected? And if the vaccinated are not in danger (because they are protected by the vaccines), why are they being required to mask again?
This writer addressed both of these questions in a previous article addressing Dr. Anthony Fauci hinting that the new mask mandates were coming. Since Fauci trotted out the same vat of blame now being trotted out by Walensky, this writer said:
There are two points that need to be made here. The first, and most obvious to anyone not suffering from mask-induced oxygen deprivation leading to reduced brain function, is this: If the vaccines are efficacious, they should protect the vaccinated regardless of the risks the unvaccinated choose to take. This is simple: If Bill is vaccinated, and the vaccine works, Dan’s decision not to be vaccinated does not put Bill at risk. Ergo, Bill should not need to mask up. Period.
The second point is that this is a prime example of group manipulation. It is similar to a military commander telling his enlisted men, “I was going to give you all leave this weekend, but Private Jones didn’t shine his boots properly, so I am canceling leave and will have you all polishing your boots over the weekend.” The net result is that Jones is now hated by everyone else and will learn to polish his boots to avoid this ever happening again.
The clear and obvious objective here is to pressure everyone to get vaccinated. By forcing even those who have taken the experimental shot to wear masks — while blaming those who have not — Fauci drives a wedge deeper into society and creates a situation where the vaccinated will ramp up the pressure and the unvaccinated will feel the need to cave to that peer pressure. But remember your father’s lesson to resist peer pressure? Most of us were taught to avoid experimenting with drugs, even if all our friends were doing it.
If Fauci is the High Priest of the Religion of Bogus Science, then Walensky is his Acolyte. And as such, she appears to be merely repeating the decrees of her Superior. But that decree is based on a complete disconnect from both reality and logic.
That disconnect led to another of what this writer calls a Doocy Doozy. Fox News White House Corespondent Peter Doocy has spent weeks now peppering White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki with questions that demonstrate the illogical, dishonest, party lines she regurgitates as part of her job. On Tuesday, following the announcement by the CDC, Doocy asked Psaki about the guidance.
Pointing to a sign in the press room stating that vaccines work, Doocy asked, “If the vaccines work — which this sign says that they do — then why do people who have had the vaccine need to now wear masks the same as people who have not had it?” Psaki — true to form — stumbles and flubs her way through an “answer” with so much spin that it is hard to tell where it is going. In the end, she seemed to say masks are needed to protect the vaccinated “because of the transmissibility of the virus.”
That does not — of course — even begin to answer the question. But it appears to acknowledge that the vaccines Americans are being pressured to accept (and demonized for not accepting) do not — in fact — seem to provide the protection the Religion of Bogus Science claim they do.