White House occupant Joe Biden, infamous for creepy behavior around children, is under fire after publicly claiming that children belong to teachers while they are at school. The bizarre comments came as parents and states across the nation work to restore parental rights and rein in government indoctrination and sexualization in public schools.
Speaking at a White House event honoring the 2022 national and state teachers of the year, Biden told the teachers that they are in charge — not parents. “You’ve heard me say it many times about our children, but it’s true: They’re all our children,” Biden said, echoing sentiments expressed by countless dictators over the last century.
Biden added that the reason the teachers present at the event were effective is because they understood that the children belong to them. “The reason you’re the teachers of the year is because you recognize that,” he told the assembled “educators” from across America. “They’re not somebody else’s children. They’re like yours when they’re in the classroom.”
Commenting on parental and legislative efforts to protect children from pornography and Marxist indoctrination, Biden lashed out at lawmakers, too. “There are too many politicians trying to score political points trying to ban books,” he said. “Did you ever think when you’d be teaching you’re going to be worried about book burnings and banning books all because it doesn’t fit somebody’s political agenda?”
Ironically, the same people accusing conservatives against fringe leftwing propaganda and pornography in the classroom of wanting to “ban” books are those who shriek loudest when Christians suggest that the Bible is a crucial part of any legitimate education. In the world of the education establishment, book bans are only bad if the books being banned are aimed at grooming, dividing, confusing, or brainwashing kids.
Of course, Biden’s comments drew sharp criticism — especially considering his long history of extremely inappropriate behavior toward children. Countless photos and videos of him sniffing and attempting to fondle little children have surfaced over the years. And Biden himself has boasted of children rubbing his “hairy legs” while in the pool. “I love kids jumping on my lap,” Biden added in the speech.
Critics lashed out at the latest remarks. “It is absolutely appalling that the President of the United States would effectively claim that the constitutional rights of parents to raise their children end at the schoolhouse door,” Ian Prior, the executive director of political action committee Fight for Schools and a senior adviser at America First Legal, told the Washington Examiner.
“It’s frightening that Joe Biden is taking his talking points from failed gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe and [American Federation of Teachers] President Randi Weingarten, but at least parents now know exactly where he stands — against them and their fundamental liberty right to make decisions on the education and upbringing of their children,” added Prior.
The reference to then-Governor McAuliffe involved a comment he made during a gubernatorial debate that caused alarm among parents nationwide. “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions,” McAuliffe said. “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
As The Newman Report has documented extensively, the Biden administration is actually taking direct aim at parents who resist the federal government’s imposition of transgenderism and extreme sexualization. The increasingly discredited Biden Department of Justice even painted angry parents as potential “domestic terrorists” for seeking to protect their children.
The notion that children belong to government or government teachers is appalling and disgusting, and extremely dangerous. Children belong to God, who has entrusted them to parents — not perverted public schools or any other government institution. Civilization and liberty depend on restoring this understanding.
This article originally appeared at FreedomProject Media and is reprinted here with permission.