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Seeking to Aid Their Educated Elite, Democrats Push Massive Cancellation of Student Debt Biden’s first 100 days: Senators Elizabeth Warren (left) and Chuck Schumer (center) want Biden to write...
Seeking to Aid Their Educated Elite, Democrats Push Massive Cancellation of Student Debt Biden’s first 100 days: Senators Elizabeth Warren (left) and Chuck Schumer (center) want Biden to write...
Biden Dreams of Mass Amnesty, “America Last” Immigration Agenda Flood the country: Presumptive President-elect Joe Biden’s campaign pledges on immigration say that he only plans to evict dangerous criminals...
The “Great Reset” From Coronavirus to Climate Emergency Tell them what they want to hear: Here Joe Biden says we have to do something about climate change to deal...
Leftists Fan the Flames of “Climate Fires” Diversion: Governor Gavin Newsom has proclaimed his state’s phase-out of internal combustion engines by 2035 because, he says, they cause global warming...
Biden’s New Plan Is an Old Ploy: More Taxing, Spending, and Regulating Math challenged or untruthful? America’s “rich” — those making over $200,000 per year — earn about $3.5...
With Cities Riotous and Aflame, Radicals Bang the Drums for Police Defunding Item: In a double issue dated August 17/24, 2020 (with a feature variously entitled in different parts...
Threatening Strikes, Teachers’ Unions Resist Reopening Public Schools Item: The print version of the New York Times for July 30 carried the following headline on page one, covering the...
Media Don the “Moderate” Mask on Biden, Even as His Extremist Policies Prove Otherwise Item: In its July 4-10 issue, with a cover story on Joe Biden called “Retro...
Like the Disastrous Virus Lockdown? If So, You’ll Love the Green New Delusion Item: “Following the pandemic is like watching the climate crisis with your finger jammed on the fast-forward...
Liberals Seem Surprised When Incentives Against Work Hurt Economic Recovery Item: The Washington Post, in a May 22 front-page article entitled “GOP fights new aid as joblessness skyrockets,” decried:...
Removing Regulatory Barriers Essential for Fighting Coronavirus, Rebooting Economy Item: The New York Times for May 2 ran a piece entitled “The New Great Depression Is Coming. Will There...
Pelosi, Progressives Press Federal Mandates on Voting, Including Ballot Harvesting Item: House “Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the nation must move to a vote-by-mail system amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis...
How Socialist Is Bernie Sanders? Very! Item: A front-page article in the Washington Post for March 3 attempted to draw parallels between the “populist pair” Bernie Sanders, a “democratic...
Growing Trend: Putting Interests of Criminal Aliens Before Those of Law-abiding U.S. Citizens Item: The New York Times said in a February 14 headline that the Border Patrol is...
Progressives Plot Death of the Fracking Boom Item: The New York Times, in its January 28 print edition, indicates that the Democrats have a “conundrum”: Should they ban hydraulic...