William P. Hoar, Author at The New American - Page 3 of 4
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About: William P. Hoar

The Review

Laughing in the Face of Cancel Culture  The Babylon Bee Guide to Wokeness: How to Take Your Wokeness to the Next Level by...

Bidenflation Rages

As prices mount, injecting trillions of dollars into a sick economy won’t cure it. It cannot be otherwise, since flooding the economy with...

The Review

Freedom to Innovate How Innovation Works and Why It Flourishes in Freedom, by Matt Ridley, New York: Harper Collins, 2020, 406 pages, hardcover. ...

Correction, Please!

While Dems Deploy Spending, Taxing Gimmicks as Cover,Pain Will Be Real Not really about infrastructure: Joe Biden is seen here signing the “Infrastructure...

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Doubletalk About the Surrender on the Southern Border Item: The Washington Post, in its October 1 issue, reported that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro...

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Security Sham in Progress with Border-crossers, Afghan Evacuees What border? The U.S. border with Mexico is essentially wide open during the Biden administration....

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Inflation Clue: Continual Money-supply Expansion Still Debauches the Currency What inflation? The Biden administration and supporters in the mainstream media claim that the...

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Biden Has Green Regulatory Pipedreams; Moscow, Beijing Get Boost Keep it in the ground: The Biden administration is giving environmental activists what they...

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Democrats Exploit Pandemic Relief Bill for Partisan Priorities, Progressive Pork COVID relief bill or Democrat bailout fund? The $1.9 trillion Democratic COVID bill...