William P. Hoar, Author at The New American - Page 14 of 14
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About: William P. Hoar

Infected Bill of Health

ITEM: The Associated Press reported on November 4: “In a coup for House Democrats, AARP will endorse sweeping health care overhaul legislation headed for a history-making floor vote…. Backing...

The Burden of Social Security

Item: “President Barack Obama has said he would like to tackle Social Security next year,” reported the Associated Press on April 24, “after Congress finishes work on health care,...

Cash for Clunkers

Item: The National Public Radio news blog, “The Two-Way,” reported on August 7: “The relatively good news that the unemployment rate dropped slightly to 9.4 percent in July had...

Stimulus Scam Redux?

Item: President Barack Obama, reported the Bloomberg news agency for July 11, “said his $787 billion stimulus bill ‘has worked as intended’ as he pushed back against Republican criticism...

North Korea Tests U.S.

Following North Korea’s latest nuclear test and missile launches, the New York Times said on May 28 that it was “tempting to throw up one’s hands and say that...