About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Pseudo-science Behind the 10 Percent Myth
The absurd assertion that one tenth of the human population of this planet is “gay” owes its genesis to the corrupt pseudo-science of biologist-sexologist Alfred Kinsey. ...
Local Police Under Siege
The federal government’s powers are delegated powers, those specifically granted by the states and the people in the Constitution. Nowhere is the federal government given any authority to involve...
International Injustice
A UN criminal court is a dangerous idea in the making. ...
Good Cop, Bad Cop
For generations it was one of the most revered and popular of American institutions. The Federal Bureau of Investigation's straight-shooting and straitlaced "G-Men" (short for government men, a moniker...
Security Risk for CIA: Anthony Lake’s Dubious Past
It may have been that the Good Lord was telling America something recently when He called hence the soul of Alger Hiss. It may be that that call to...
What Happened to TWA 800?
Did a malfunction cause the TWA 800 tragedy? A terrorist missile? “Friendly fire”? ...
What Happened to TWA 800?
More than two months after the downing of TWA Flight 800, federal investigators still have not determined the cause of the crash which took the lives of all 230...
Target: World Government
Shortly before the opening of the 1995 United Nations World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Commission on Global Governance issued its much-heralded report, Our Global Neighborhood,...
Red Flags From an Expert
One of the world’s foremost experts in both the theoretical and practical applications of explosives technology, General Benton K. Partin (USAF, retired), expressed very strong misgivings about the “official”...
Silk Hats and Brown Berets
Hispanic radicals, including murderers, have been paid by the Ford Foundation and other large foundations run by globalists to foment unrest between Hispanics — both those in the country...
Global Gorby
Much of the world sat glued before their television screens, eyes and ears transfixed by the drama unfolding in a Los Angeles courtroom. The closing arguments by Johnnie Cochran...
Red March to Global Tyranny
This is the third and final part of an interview with Christopher Story (left), editor of the London-based journal Soviet Analyst and of The Perestroika Deception by Anatoliy Golitsyn,...
Leninists Still Leading
This is part two of an interview by William F. Jasper, senior editor of THE NEW AMERICAN, with [the late] Christopher Story (left), editor of Soviet Analyst, an intelligence...
Dispelling Disinformation
This is Part One of an interview by William F. Jasper, Senior Editor of THE NEW AMERICAN, with Christopher Story (left), editor of the London-based Soviet Analyst, an intelligence...
Battling Terrorism With Tyranny
In the wake of the murderous Oklahoma City attack, President Clinton sent anti-terrorist legislation to Congress that should be ringing constitutional alarm bells wildly. ...