About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Killing the Dollar: G20 & IMF Push for Global Fed, Global Currency
Unmentioned in media reports of the recently concluded G20 summit of finance ministers in Moscow is the fact that the meeting advanced the globalist program to destroy the dollar...
Ecuadorean Election Solidifies Red Trend in Latin America
The transformation of Latin America into a communist region received a boost from the recent reelection of President of Ecuador Rafael Correa, a leader in the São Paulo Forum,...
Obama Vows to Bypass Congress on Climate Change
President Obama used discredited "science" in his State of the Union address to push climate change mandates, while threatening to use executive orders if Congress doesn't act. ...
UN’s Ban Ki-Moon Pushes War with Syria, Climate Alarmism at CFR
Less than 24 hours after Ban Ki-moon's appeal to the Insider globalist confab, President Obama included key "must do" items of the UN leader's agenda in his State of...
Prayer Breakfast: Obama’s “Humility” Prayer v. Carson’s Humble Appeal
Democrats and the mainstream media have attacked Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D., the surgeon whose inspiring speech at the National Prayer Breakfast challenged political correctness and President Obama’s socialist...
Obama’s Global Development Council Promotes Abortion, UN Redistribution
President Obama's appointment of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) members and pro-abortion advocates to his new Global Development Council leaves little doubt that it will push population control and...
Sheriffs and Legislators Are Acting to Nullify Obama Gun Controls
State and local nullification of unconstitutional usurpations of power by the federal government are crucial defenses against tyranny. ...
Yes, Fellow Bubbas, They’re Coming for Your Guns
"Progressives" call gun rights advocates "delusional" for fearing that "gun registration will lead to gun confiscation," but experience, current legislation, and the admissions of anti-gun activists show those fears...
Communists Cheer On Obama’s Gun Grab
It should come as no surprise that the Communist Party USA's People's World, and official voices from Communist China and Russia, endorse President Obama's latest attacks on the Second Amendment....
Rand Paul’s Bill to Nullify “King” Obama’s Gun Control Executive Orders
Sen. Rand Paul is readying legislation to "nullify" President Obama's executive orders to implement national gun control "laws" in violation of the Constitution. ...
The Rise of the Administrative State
The alphabet soup of federal regulatory agencies exercising unconstitutional power was planned and instituted by FDR and was modeled after plans by Mussolini and Stalin. ...
Was 2012 the Hottest Year? Alarmists Blowing Hot Air Again
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been caught fudging the climate data again, and its MSM choir, as usual, uncritically reports the doctored data and scary scenarios...
Bureaucrats “Giddy” With “Newly Minted Power”
It has been rightly said that “power corrupts,” an axiom that is reinforced again and again as the federal government controls more aspects of our lives without oversight. ...
Danger: Federal “Regulatory Cliff” Ahead
The U.S. government says that in the last 90 days, it instituted nearly 6,000 new rules, with loads more to come. If its plans remain unchecked, we’ll face another...
NRA: Another Dangerous Flip-Flop on Gun-Free School Zones
The NRA now opposes the Gun-Free School Zones that it championed during the Clinton administration. Constitutionalists warned the NRA that Gun-Free School Zones are impractical and unconstitutional. ...