About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Boston Bombing: Latest Globalist Pretext for U.S.-Russia Convergence
The Obama-Putin plan for increased “cooperation” to “fight terror” is a dangerous ploy aimed at eventually merging our intelligence agencies with those of Russia’s KGB/FSB. ...
Climate “Consensus” Con Game: Desperate Effort Before Release of UN Report
The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is in trouble and climate alarmists are hoping the much-ballyhooed Cook report released last week will convince the public to be very...
Global Warming “Consensus”: Cooking the Books
President Obama and the Big Media are all a-twitter over a new study by activist blogger John Cook that falsely claims to show 97 percent of climate scientists believe...
“Inhuman”: Abortionist Leroy Carhart — Yet Another Gosnell Exposed
In the undercover video Inhuman by Lila Rose and Live Action, abortionist Dr. Leroy Carhart is caught on tape admitting to illegal and vicious practices. ...
Another House of Horrors: Gosnell’s Abortion Counterpart in Texas
New Video: Shocking testimony from abortion clinic employees who tell of seeing Dr. Douglas Karpen twisting the heads off newborn babies with his bare hands. ...
Gosnell House of Horrors: Just One of Many Abortion Slaughterhouses
Not only are the atrocious conditions and practices of Kermit Gosnell's infamous Philadelphia abortion clinic more common than admitted, but an undue emphasis on his abuses can obscure the...
United States of Europe
The architects of the European Common Market, including members of the Council on Foreign Relations, (CFR), deceived the people of Europe concerning the secret agenda of socialism and federalism...
Death of an Oligarch: Russian Billionaire Berezovsky Dies “Penniless”
Boris Berezovsky, who helped bring Putin to power, became a bitter foe and fled to England, fearing for his life. ...
Secretly Trading Away Our Independence
President Obama is pushing two trade pacts leading to economic and political integration of the United States with the European Union and Pacific Rim nations. ...
CFR, Brookings Celebrate Obama “Lovefest” for International Criminal Court
The Council on Foreign Relations and the Brookings Institution are ecstatic that the Obama State Department is providing huge support to the UN-created, anti-American International Criminal Court (ICC). ...
Boston Lockdown … and Calls for More Police-state Measures
“The Boston bombing provided the opportunity for the government to turn what should have been a police investigation into a military-style occupation of an American city. This unprecedented move...
Calls for Increased Russian-U.S. Security Cooperation After Boston Bombing
After the Boston Marathon bombing, various “experts” began calling for more cooperation between U.S. and Russian intelligence agencies. ...
Europol in the United States — Beginning of an EU-U.S. Police Merger?
Europol, the burgeoning police and intelligence agency of the European Union which has many people in Europe concerned about its continuously expanding mission and powers, is now seeking convergence...
Abortionist’s House of Horrors: Gosnell’s Unindicted Media Accomplices
The corporate press, the networks, and mainstream pundits share blame in abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s unspeakable crimes for their ongoing censorship of this horrendous story. ...
CFR Applauds European Union’s “Real Subversion of Sovereignty”
As Secretary of State John Kerry other Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) members lead the Obama administration's push for new trade "partnerships," other CFR members applaud the destruction of...