About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Reid, Pelosi — If ObamaCare’s So “Wonderful” Why Aren’t YOU Joining?
Furor over the ruling class exemption from ObamaCare refuses to die. ...
Obama’s “Apology” — Substituting New Lies for Old
Mainstream media co-conspirators are helping President Obama spin his non-apology to save ObamaCare. ...
ObamaCare: The Plan Is to Transition to “Single-Payer” Socialized Medicine
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the Democratic Socialists of America are planning to transform ObamaCare into single-payer socialized medicine. ...
Sticker Shock and Cancellations: Millions More Hammered by ObamaCare
With only half the states reporting, 3.5 million Americans have already received notices of cancellations of their individual healthcare plans, and tens of millions more with policies from small...
EPA Shutting Down Last-standing U.S. Primary Lead Smelter
The last standing primary lead smelter in the United States will be closing in December — thanks to the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s continuing war on American industry. As...
China to Build $40-Billion Canal Through Nicaragua
Communist China and Nicaragua's Sandinista government under Daniel Ortega are moving ahead with plans to build a $40-billion canal through Nicaragua, as China's footprint in Latin America grows. ...
ObamaCare Killing Employer-sponsored Health Insurance — Millions Affected
Home Depot, GE, Trader Joe’s, Walgreen, IBM, and Time Warner are just a few of the major corporations that have announced they will stop sponsoring health insurance plans, either...
ObamaCare Causing Millions of Americans to Lose Their Current Health Plans
Healthcare expert says 16 million likely to lose coverage; Aetna, other companies, already dropping thousands. ...
Gates Foundation Pushing Dangerous Contraceptives on Black Populations
Gates, Rockefeller, Soros, Pfizer, and “Good Club” billionaires, along with the UN, USAID, and Planned Parenthood, are targeting African and African-American women with the dangerous Depo Provera contraceptive drug....
China’s Princelings and Billionaires Biting the Dust Under Xi Jinping
Chinese Communist Party high-profile purges keep turning more peacocks to feather dusters. ...
The Folly of Embracing China as a Financial Angel
U.S. governors, cities, counties, and companies look to China as a financial angel, but there are many devils in the details. ...
Will China “Save” Detroit?
Detroit’s politicians are practically prostrating themselves before Chinese “investors” so that the Chinese will buy and keep open companies, but it’s a strategy doomed to fail. ...
China’s “Journalists” Ordered to Take New Propaganda Training
Even as Communist China expands its official propaganda agencies in the United States — disguised as glossy news shows and Western-style publications — it is launching a new wave...
Putin & Xi Stress Beijing-Moscow Ties at APEC
Recent months have witnessed major advances in Russian-Chinese joint ventures in the economic and military spheres. ...
NYC Mayor Candidate De Blasio Takes Flak Over Pro-communist Background
President Obama endorses New York mayor hopeful Bill de Blasio and praises him as a great hope for "Progressive change" — as de Blasio's radical record of support for...