About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Desperate Dash of Global Warming
As one wheel after another comes off the global-warming bandwagon, the alarmists have cranked up the audacity and volume of their agenda. ...
Cold Summer: 1,025 Record Lows in First Three Weeks of August
Chilled by the 17-to-18-year pause of “global warming” and the global-cooling trend since 2002, the climate alarmists now have a record-breaking cold summer ruining their hysterical “climate change” narrative....
UN Internet Summit: Communists, Socialists, Globalists in Charge of Cyberspace?
The UN’s upcoming summit on “global governance” of the Internet bodes ill for freedom in cyberspace, as official representation is tilted heavily toward the side of totalitarian repression. ...
John Birch Society CEO Exposes Trade Schemes on Alex Jones Show
Arthur R. Thompson, author of International Merger by Foreign Entanglements, discusses the imminent threats to America's freedom, independence, and economic viability from the "Free Trade" agenda — and what...
UN Grabs for the Internet: CFR, Chatham House Lead Toward “Global Governance”
As the UN Internet Summit in September approaches, globalists are stepping up the propaganda blitz to give the UN taxing, censoring, surveillance, and governing powers over all Internet usage....
Tom Harris: “Making it Safe” for Liberals to be Climate Realists (Video)
The International Climate Science Coalition is enlarging the climate skeptic tent, welcoming genuine scientists regardless of their partisan or ideological leanings. ...
U.K. Journalist Delingpole Tweaks Climatists in Media, Politics (Video)
James Delingpole, longtime columnist at The Daily Telegraph and now executive editor of Breitbart.com/London, discusses the irrationality, corruption and harmful affects of the global warming agenda. ...
Risky Business: Billionaires Hype Climate for Power and Profit
Crash goes the latest global warming apocalyptic rant "Risky Business," from the Wall Street climateer trio of Bloomberg, Paulson, and Steyer. ...
Ninja Turtles: Great Fun and Funny Summer Entertainment
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is full of tongue-in-cheek humor, great jeopardy, perilous action, and terrific character insights. ...
Big Insider PR Firms Say They Will Shun Climate “Deniers”
UK’s The Guardian spins PR story to breathe new life into the failing “climate change” intimidation campaign. ...
IT Experts Challenge DOJ/Congress on Missing IRS E-mails
Why did the IT asset managers of the IRS disappear as the investigation into IRS targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups heated up? ...
IRS Official Says Lois Lerner E-mails May Not Be “Lost”
IRS Deputy Associate Chief Counsel Thomas Kane, who supervises the IRS’s targeting scandal document production to Congress, contradicts IRS confirmation that subpoenaed e-mails no longer exist. ...
Heartland President Discusses Climate Skeptic Conference (Video)
Heartland Institute President Joseph Bast joins The New American for an interview at the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC9) in Las Vegas. ...
Dr. Arthur Robinson Explodes Bogus Global Warming Consensus (Video)
Dr. Arthur Robinson, co-founder and president of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, destroys the myth of scientific consensus on human-caused global warming in this interview with The...
Kilez More: Rapping the Climate-change Bullies and Censors (Video)
Austrian rap artist Kilez More talks to The New American at the 9th International Conference on Climate Change. ...