About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Internet Control: CFR/Chatham House Globalists Conclude Secret Summit, Issue Study
The elite British globalist group the Royal Institute of International Affairs issues its report on international “governance” of the Internet, as the 2015 transition deadline looms. ...
UN IPCC Scientist Scorches WHO for Exaggerating Deaths Caused by Global Warming
The UN’s World Health Organization has been exposed by a leading U.S./UN climate scientist, Dr. Indur Goklany, for using fraudulent statistics and methodologies to push for more UN power...
Nelson Bunker Hunt, R.I.P.: The Myth of the Hunt Brothers’ “Scheme to Corner the Silver Market”
Contrary to popular myth, the legendary Texas oil and silver tycoon did not try to “corner” the silver market; he and his brother were the main victims, not the...
European Central Bank Taking a Page From Federal Reserve’s Playbook
On November 21, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi announced that the ECB would be pumping more money into the euro bloc to fight what he called “excessively low”...
Globalists Use Putin as Foil to Push TTIP U.S.-EU Merger
One-worlders claim Putin hates the EU and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade pact; meanwhile, Putin says he looks forward to Russia-EU merger. ...
China’s Communist Party Reaffirms Marxism, Maoism, Atheism
Amid a national crackdown on Christians and other religious believers, Beijing tells Party members religion is not for them. ...
Celebrity Global-warming Hypocrisy (Video)
The hypocrisy and hubris of the climate alarmist choir are beyond astounding. While luxuriating in a splendor made possible by the exploitation of hydrocarbon fuels, they continue riding a...
The United Nations Grabs for Internet Control (Video)
The Obama administration has already begun the phased transfer of Internet control to a vague and uncertain governance structure that has been set up as an innocent-appearing transition platform...
Who Will Control Your Internet?
Against the will of the U.S. Congress, the Obama administration is making plans to transfer control of the Internet to globalists, who will likely assert an authoritarian hand. ...
Sino-Russian Nuclear Power Pact Caps Banner Year of Moscow-Beijing Deals
In addition to massive oil and gas deals, Russia and Communist China are forging ahead with cooperation on building new fast breeder reactors. ...
Daniel Hannan, MEP: Opting Out of the European Union (Video)
The Honorable Daniel Hannan, British Member of the European Parliament, author, columnist, blogger, talks to The New American about why he and many of his fellow countrymen favor getting...
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: Exploiting the Poor
The United Nations Development Program’s Helen Clark continues the dominant influence of the Socialist International at the UN's recently-concluded Conference on biodiversity. ...
TISA, Yet Another Secret “Trade” Threat
The participants in and promoters of the Trade in Services Agreement claim they are for transparency, yet the hugely important agreement encompassing an immense chunk of the U.S. and...
UN Biodiversity Conference Pushes Global Redistribution, Restriction, Regimentation
“Biodiversity,” a key component of Agenda 21, is joining “climate change” in the UN’s mantra lineup as a frontline tool for promoting world government. ...
Hong Kong: Congressional Leaders Urge Obama to Support Freedom
Communist China slams bipartisan U.S. congressional commission for “interfering in China’s internal affairs.” ...