About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
“Je Suis Charlie” — “Je Suis Victor Charlie”
In our justified fight against the Total State, cultural Marxists routinely offer us their help. This help we must never be tempted to accept. ...
Now Hiring Rent-A-Mobs: Mobilizing Global Warming Activists for 2015 Action
With the United Nations climate summit in Paris approaching, global warming fanatics are stepping up efforts and hiring street canvassers to boost the appearance of public support for UN-mandated...
Rioting for a Reason: Civil Unrest and Political Opportunity
The big tax-exempt foundations, government agencies, and unions are funding the rent-a-mob rioters and the professional revolutionaries (and their youthful acolytes) who are rioting, looting, and burning our cities....
GOP Leaders Set to Enable “ObamaTrade” With Fast Track for President
A vote on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) is likely to come up in March as Senator Mitch McConnell, Representative Paul Ryan, and Senator Orrin Hatch line up Republican votes...
EPA: Time to Abolish, Not Merely Restrict
Obama’s EPA has grand visions of controlling everything under the sun: soot, road dust, rainwater runoff, pesticides, chlorine, methane, ozone, chloroflourocarbons, and, most especially, CO2 — human breath —...
Socialists Want Gov’t Action Against Catholic Student Group for Opposing Pro-homosexual Bishop
When Bishop Johan Bonny, the Catholic Bishop of Antwerp, Belgium, publicly called for the Catholic Church to bless same-sex “relationships,” in a recent interview, a rebuke from the Flemish...
Federalized Police and a Police Czar?
“We need federal intervention without delay,” declared the “Reverend” Al Sharpton, capitalizing on the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and other black men to centralize police...
Global Warming: False Alarm Over Polar Bears Exposed — Again
Polar bears, the totem of the global-warming alarmists, are thriving, not facing extinction, as the doomsayers proclaim. ...
“Progressives” Cheer UN’s Gun Control Christmas Present
On Christmas Eve, December 24, the United Nations' global gun-grabbing effort, the Arms Trade Treaty, entered into force. ...
Climate Fanatics Force Poor to “Choose Between Heating or Eating”
EU climate expert warns U.S. Senate Committee not to follow the European Union’s disastrous policies — as EU officials double down on even more punitive CO2 measures. ...
Christian Perseverance
From the Middle East to Africa to China, Christians are being killed for their faith, much like most of the apostles. Despite the persecution, Christianity and Christians go on....
Coming Egg Shortage Will Tax Family Budgets
Thanks to radical vegan/animal rights activists, starting January 1, California’s new “regs on eggs” will cause skyrocketing egg prices that will affect the whole nation. ...
Sharpton Exploiting Tragic Deaths for Fed Takeover, Not Justice
Reverend Al Sharpton and his National Action Network are orchestrating a series of national protests, culminating in a December 13 March on Congress, demanding “federal intervention without delay” —...
Garner Widow & Daughter: “It’s Not a Black-White Thing”
The establishment media, UN, and radical activists intent on fomenting a race war with phony racism charges, ignore the facts and statements from Eric Garner’s family. ...
Hollywood/Media Leftists Frothing Over Inhofe as New Senate Committee Chair
With Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) in line to chair the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, the enviro-extremist and global warming alarmist choirs are going into apoplectic overdrive. ...