About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Implosion of the Never, Never, Never Trump Neocons
After extracting a pledge from Trump not to bolt the GOP for a third-party insurgency, neoconservative icons are advocating a third-party candidate. ...
Brexit Surges — “Huge Sea Change” as Majority of Brits Favor Leaving EU
Increasingly, British voters are dismissing the dire warnings of “Project Fear” — the non-stop propaganda campaign of Prime Minister David Cameron, EU and IMF officials, President Obama, the major...
Was the Austrian Election “Stolen”?
Did panicked EU Insiders rig postal vote count to back "moderate" pro-EU, pro-migration, socialist Green candidate over "far-right" nationalist? ...
Legislators Blast DOJ Double Standard: Rancher Finicum vs. Occupy Leftists
Seven state legislators from Arizona have called upon the attorneys general of the states of Arizona and Nevada to bring legal action against Oregon and federal law-enforcement officials and...
Newt Gingrich as VP Would Bring a Big “China Problem” to Team Trump
Former House Speaker’s “adviser” role at Dentons-Dacheng, Communist China’s main lobbying firm, would be a sure clash with Trump’s China-is-our-enemy message. ...
Newt Gingrich: Globalist “Conservative” as Trump VP?
For months, globalist Newt Gingrich, a member of the world-government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations for decades, has been positioned by Fox TV as Trump’s main supporter, and now he...
#NeverTrump Neocons Are Split — for Hillary, 3rd Party, or ….
Some of the GOP’s establishment pundits and politicos are so anti-Trump they’d rather help Hillary Clinton take the White House. ...
TPP: Reams of Regulations
The clock is ticking toward a congressional vote on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Our sovereignty, independence, economic survival, and national security are on the firing line. ...
TPP — Trilateralist Power Politics
The Trilateral Commission — influential globalists including bankers and politicians — wants “to counteract economic and political nationalism,” hence its support of the TPP. ...
Refugee Nightmare 2.0 — the EU’s 2nd Migration Tsunami Has Begun
EU officials have (approvingly) projected that in Europe will receive another three million refugees in 2016 — double the 1.5 million migrants who flooded Europe in the 2015 crisis....
Will Obama’s Anti-Brexit Remarks in Britain Backfire?
Latest opinion poll suggests Obama’s warning that a vote for Brexit will put the UK at the “back of the queue” for any future trade deal with the United...
From Brexit to Swexit: Will Sweden Follow If Britain Exits EU?
Anger and alarm over the impact of the EU’s disastrous migration policies have soured Swedes on the EU. ...
Here Comes the Obama/UN Refugee “Surge” — Rebranded as “Safe Alternative Pathways”
The 10,000 Muslim migrants labeled as Syrian War “refugees” now being imported by Obama will swell to 10 to 20 times that number — and more — under administration’s new plan of...
Sen. Sessions Blasts Obama’s Plan to Push TPP After Primaries
Obama admits Trans-Pacific Partnership in trouble, hints many congressional supporters are feigning opposition now to please voters, but will flip-flop after elections. ...
Obama-Merkel Push TTIP, as Support for Transatlantic Union Tanks
New Bertelsmann-YouGov Poll shows huge plunge in public support for “free trade” and U.S.-EU merger under Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) ...