About: William F. Jasper
Posts by William F. Jasper
Soros Migration Rent-a-Mob Amps Up for Aug. 28 Wash., D.C. Refugee Rally
The professional Soros migration/refugee agitators are rallying the street radicals to create the appearance of popular support for the UN’s September Refugee Summit and President Obama’ plan to “surge”...
Who’s in Putin’s Pocket — Clinton or Trump?
While serving as secretary of state to President Obama, Hillary Clinton delivered one-fifth of America’s uranium deposits to Russia. So charge investigators who have been delving into the murky...
Hacked Docs Expose Soros-Obama-UN Refugee Invasion Network
A non-stop migrant/refugee invasion of Europe and the United States should be accepted as “the new normal,” says secret Soros migration institute report. ...
Is New Brit PM Theresa May Sabotaging Brexit With Endless Delays?
Prime Minister May has said “Brexit means Brexit” and that she intends to honor the will of British voters, but some critics and supporters think she intends for Britain...
Germany’s Secret Night Refugee Flights: Is Merkel Lying Again?
Angela Merkel’s government denies recent stories that it is flying large numbers of refugees into Germany on secret night flights. ...
Trade Trap: EU as Model for Misnamed TPP, TTIP
The British voted to leave the EU, even as the United States is contemplating joining the TPP and TTIP “trade pacts” that will bind the United States in EU-style...
Brexit: Rejecting Globalism
The British rebuffed further membership in the EU. In response, the ruling elite made clear that world government is the goal and they don’t care what the “ignorant masses”...
Brexit, TTIP-TPP, and Lame Ducks
The Brexit vote has become a giant headache for New World Order planners. The decision by British voters on June 23 to leave the European Union is a historic...
Was CIA-backed Mullah Behind Turkey Coup Attempt?
Was U.S.-based and CIA-backed Mullah Fethullah Gülen behind the July coup attempt, as President Recep Erdogan, Turkey’s authoritarian strongman, claims? ...
Who’s in Putin’s Pocket — Clinton or Trump?
It is Clinton’s selling of U.S. uranium reserves to Russia, not Trump’s off-the-cuff comments, that genuinely “raises national security issues" — and should be the focus of media and...
Persecuted Baltimore Police Officers Sue Activist Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby
0 for 6. Marilyn Mosby, the state prosecutor and chief arsonist in Baltimore’s inflammatory Freddie Gray case, has dropped all charges against the remaining three officers, but now faces...
Soros: Softer Rhetoric, but Anti-Brexit Plan Has Hidden Teeth & Claws
“Europe is about to collapse and has to be completely reinvented,” says billionaire globalist George Soros in his latest interview. ...
Austrian Revote Will Be Aided by Brexit, EU Terror Wave
Since facing a stunning defeat in Britain’s Brexit vote on June 23, Eurosocialists and globalists have had their eyes nervously fixed on Austria, where nationalist Norbert Hofer faces globalist Alexander van...
Germany’s Terror, Mayhem, and Murder Spree: Thank You, Mrs. Merkel
Shooting, stabbing, slashing, bombing – Muslim “refugees” have been on a killing spree and the German public are getting fed up with Angela Merkel’s “open border” policy. ...
Trump: “Americanism, Not Globalism, Will Be Our Credo”
In his acceptance speech, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump slams Obama/Clinton economic, immigration, trade, foreign and military policies, and says “I, alone can fix” the broken system. ...