Wallis W. Wood, Author at The New American - Page 8 of 15
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About: Wallis W. Wood

Obama’s Plunging Popularity

What a difference a month can make. Last month, a majority of Americans said they liked the job President Barack Obama was doing leading this country. Today, that’s no...

IRS Coverup Continues

We now know that White House officials were told of the accusations and a resulting internal investigation long before the news became public. But we’re supposed to believe that...

Obama’s “Biggest Lie of All”

Will we ever get all of the truth about the false explanations and misdirection from the Administration of President Barack Obama after the terrorist assaults on our consulate in...

A Huge Defeat for Gun Grabbers

Congratulations, patriots! Thanks to your unremitting pressure on the politicians in Washington, every single assault on our 2nd Amendment rights went down to defeat in the Senate this week....

The Republican Shell Game on ObamaCare

Twenty Republican senators who voted for an amendment to defund Obamacare, knowing the amendment would fail, also voted for the continuing resolution containing Obamacare funding for the rest of...

The Republicans’ Dangerous Makeover

A Republican National Committee report insists that the GOP must “be inclusive and welcoming” on social issues, and embrace “comprehensive immigration reform,” to become more relevant to today’s voters....

Rand Paul’s Inspiring Stand

“For the first time since the election, I actually have some hope.” That’s what one longtime conservative said to me after Senator Rand Paul’s 13-hour filibuster earlier this month....

Let’s Call Obama’s Bluff

I urge Republicans to call Obama’s bluff. Let sequestration begin on March 1. Ignore the dire threats and howls of outrage. Instead, let’s take the first small step toward...

A Really Rotten Anniversary

It was 100 years ago this month that the 16th Amendment to the Constitution officially became the law of the land. Since this is the one that authorized the...