Tom DeWeese, Author at The New American
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About: Tom DeWeese

Every Step Taken Makes a Difference

These past two weeks of activity, being endorsed to serve in the new administration and to be recognized by strong leaders, was vindication for the reach and impact that...

The Anti-Trump Riots Are a Smoke Screen

The anti-Trump rioters know full well that they aren't going to overturn the election.These privately funded forces are being used to create pressure to destroy the Electoral College so...

The Third American Revolution

More and more Americans are finally starting to realize we have a problem in this country. We must learn, organize, and rededicate ourselves to one goal — victory through...

Six Issues That Are Agenda 21

Elected representatives at every level of government must come to understand that legislative actions have consequences far beyond their present effects. Agenda 21 is the “common core” and it...

Patriots vs. Politicians 2015

Perhaps, through the following examples, today's young Americans will understand that the tear in an eye or the hand over a heart expressed by the older generation wasn't for...