TNA Video, Author at The New American - Page 40 of 44
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Immigration Issue in the UK

VIDEO - Andy Ramirez reports on British Prime Minister David Cameron's call for a referendum regarding the UK's policy on immigration. ...

UK’s Referendum for Leaving EU

VIDEO - Daniel Hannan, member of the European Parliament, talks about the possibility of an upcoming referendum vote, which would remove the United Kingdom politically from the European Union....

The Eye-popping Cost of Federal Regulations

VIDEO - The New American senior editor, Bill Jasper describes the mind blowing size, cost and wastefulness of our federal regulatory state. According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s “Ten...

The “Certificate of Need” Con

VIDEO - New American senior editor William F. Jasper explains how government creates monopolies for the politically favored and outlaws competition through so-called "Certificate of Need" laws. ...

Alternative to ObamaCare

VIDEO - The healthcare industry makes up one-fifth of the U.S. economy. With the out of control government spending, is it in our best interest to have them nationalize...

Senator Randy Brogdon on ObamaCare

VIDEO - The New American's Senior Editor Bill Jasper interviews former Oklahoma State Senator Randy Brogdon, who is running for the United States Senate in Oklahoma's June 24, 2014...