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Posts by TNA Video
Communists Murdered Striking Coal Miners in Poland
VIDEO - In this interview with The New American magazine, a press officer for the Silesian Freedom and Solidarity Center details how communist troops massacred coal miners for going...
Calif. Senator: Companies Want to “Make Money” in “Climate Arena”
VIDEO - In this interview with The New American from the UN COP24 "climate" summit in Poland, California Senator Bob Wieckowski argued that America would follow the lead of his...
Top Headline – Stockton, CA Explores Universal Basic Income
VIDEO - Even though Stockton emerged from bankruptcy a scant few years ago, the overpaid public servants have decreed it’s time to explore providing universal basic income. Will they ever...
U.S. Media MIA at UN COP24 “Climate” Summit Planning Future of Mankind
VIDEO - KATOWICE -- The major U.S. media is missing in action at the United Nations COP24 "climate" summit in Poland, reports The New American's foreign correspondent Alex Newman. Newman...
UN Bans Journalist From COP24 Climate Summit at Request of Canada’s Trudeau Regime
VIDEO - KATOWICE--The United Nations banned journalist Sheila Gunn Reid of The Rebel Media from the UN COP24 "Climate Change" Conference in response to a request from the government of...
At UN Climate Confab, Democrat Senator Touts Martians to Unite Humanity
VIDEO - KATOWICE--At the United Nations COP24 Climate Change summit in Poland, Democrat State Senator Robert Hertzberg of California, a self-described "globalist" who represents Hollywood, tells The New American that...
Global Warming Bandwagon Coming Apart, Says Marc Morano
VIDEO - KATOWICE--In this exclusive interview with The New American magazine from the United Nations COP24 summit, prominent climate skeptic Marc Morano said that the global-warming alarmism was facing major...
Climate Skeptics Crash the UN Warmist Party in Poland
VIDEO - KATOWICE--As governments and dictators scramble to finalize a "rule book" for their United Nations climate regime, prominent skeptics of the man-made global-warming hypothesis crashed the party in Poland...
At UN COP24 Climate Summit, Frantic Globalists Work to Restrict Liberty
VIDEO - KATOWICE — United Nations globalists and UN member regimes are working frantically to salvage their agenda in the final days of the COP24 “climate” conference, reports The New...
UN “Double Standards” at Anti-Trump Protest Slammed by CFACT’s Craig Rucker
VIDEO - KATOWICE, Poland — In this interview with The New American magazine from the United Nations COP24 climate-change summit, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) Executive Director Craig Rucker...
Gore Effect: Blizzard as UN Meets to Save Humanity from Global Warming
VIDEO - KATOWICE — As the United Nations COP24 “climate” summit gets into its final days, climate guru Al Gore is arriving to give a speech. And as usual, the...
UN Climate Alarmists Angry at Trump Amid Push to “Transform” World
VIDEO - KATOWICE — United Nations climate alarmists are furious with the Trump administration’s efforts to promote fossil fuels at an event, The New American’s foreign correspondent Alex Newman reports...
Top Headline – World Revolts Against UN Migration Scheme
VIDEO - The governments of Bulgaria and Slovakia are the latest in a series of nations rejecting the UN mass-migration pact. ...
Journalist Speaks Out Against UN Persecution, Corruption
VIDEO - In this interview with The New American magazine, Italian Insider editor John Phillips speaks out against the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and its efforts to destroy...
EXCLUSIVE Video Interview: Jerome Corsi, Latest Target of Mueller’s Trump-Russia Witch Hunt, Strikes Back!
VIDEO - Best-selling author and investigative journalist Jerome Corsi has filed suit against Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team, calling for their prosecution and disbarment. ...