Thomas Sowell, Author at The New American - Page 8 of 28
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About: Thomas Sowell

Random Thoughts

Now that Barack Obama is ruling by decree, he seems more like a king than a president. Maybe it is time we change the way we address him. "Your...

A Year of Anniversaries

Anniversaries are opportunities to look back at historic turning points, compare the rhetoric of the time with the reality that we now know unfolded — and to learn hard...

Is Law Optional?

Do we want people punished, based on other people's preconceptions, rather than on the facts of the individual case? ...

Beware of Our Betters

Jonathan Gruber's notion that the people are "stupid" is not fundamentally different from what Barack Obama said to his fellow elite leftists in San Francisco, when he derided ordinary...

Racial Quota Punishment

There are now racial quota limits for punishment in the Minneapolis schools. On the surface, this may look like a favor to blacks. But only on the surface. Anyone with common...

Voter Fraud and Voter I.D.

One of the biggest voter frauds may be the idea promoted by Attorney General Eric Holder and others that there is no voter fraud, that laws requiring voters to...

Predatory Journalism

Editorial demagoguery against "predatory" lending might well be called predatory journalism — taking advantage of other people's ignorance of economics to score ideological points. ...

Irresponsible ‘Education’

Turning schools and colleges into indoctrination centers is a major and reckless disservice to them and to American society, which is vulnerable as all human societies have always been,...

Late-Talking Children

Anyone who knows what anxiety, and sometimes anguish, parents go through when they have a child who is still not talking at age two, three or even four, can...