Thomas Sowell, Author at The New American - Page 23 of 28
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About: Thomas Sowell

The Media and “Bullying”

Back in the 1920s, the intelligentsia on both sides of the Atlantic were loudly protesting the execution of political radicals Sacco and Vanzetti, after what they claimed was an...

Reverse Racism

Among those who have been disappointed by President Barack Obama, none is likely to end up so painfully disappointed as those who saw his election as being, in itself...

“Stop Whining”?

If there was ever any doubt that the Democrats take the black vote for granted, that doubt should have been put to rest when Barack Obama told the Congressional...

Politics vs. Economics

They say "all politics is local." But economic decisions impact the whole economy and reverberate internationally. That is why politicians' meddling with the economy creates so many disasters. ...

Chasing Money Out of the Economy

Ninety years ago — in 1921 — federal income tax policies reached an absurdity that many people today seem to want to repeat. Those who believe in high taxes...

Helping the Economy by Doing Nothing

Some people are hoping that President Obama's plan will get the economy out of the doldrums and start providing jobs for the unemployed. Others are hoping that the Republicans'...

Two Different Worlds

Ideological clashes over particular laws, policies and programs often go far deeper. Those with opposing views of what is desirable for the future also tend to differ equally sharply...

An Unusual Economy?

Many in the media are saying how unusual it is for our economy to be so sluggish for so long, after we have officially emerged from a recession. In...