Thomas Sowell, Author at The New American - Page 22 of 28
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About: Thomas Sowell

Kodak and the Post Office

The news that Eastman Kodak is preparing to file for bankruptcy, after being the leading photographic company in the world for more than a hundred years, truly marks the...

Random Thoughts

Random thoughts on the passing scene: Talk show host Dennis Miller said, "I don't dig polo. It's like miniature golf meets the Kentucky Derby." ...

Christmas Books

The joys of Christmas do not include coping with crowds at shopping malls or wracking your brains trying to figure out what to get as a gift for someone...

Lessons of History?

It used to be common for people to urge us to learn "the lessons of history." But history gets much less attention these days and, if there are any...

Gingrich and Immigration

Now that Newt Gingrich has become the latest in a series of Republican frontrunners, he is getting the kinds of scrutiny and attacks that have done in other frontrunners....

Alice in Liberal Land

Alice in Wonderland was written by a professor who also wrote a book on symbolic logic. So it is not surprising that Alice encountered not only strange behavior in...

Will Republicans Blow It?

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said that a good catch phrase could stop thinking for 50 years. One of the often-repeated catch phrases of our time — "It's the economy,...

Payday Loans

California is a great place for studying the thinking — or lack of thinking — on the political left. ...