Thomas Sowell, Author at The New American - Page 21 of 28
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About: Thomas Sowell

Race and Rhetoric

One of the things that turned up, during a long-overdue cleanup of my office, was an old yellowed copy of the New York Times dated July 24, 1992. One...

The ‘Inevitability’ Vote

Many people may be voting for Mitt Romney because of the view in some quarters that he is the inevitable Republican candidate for President of the United States and...

Racial Quota Fallout

Many years ago, I learned of an episode in the life of a promising young black man that is relevant to things happening now. He had been educated at...

The Big Hoax

There have been many frauds of historic proportions — for example, the financial pyramid scheme for which Charles Ponzi was sent to prison in the 1920s, and for which...

James Q. Wilson (1931-2012)

There are undoubtedly many people who are alive today because of James Q. Wilson, who died last week. He was not a doctor or medical scientist, nor was he...

Academic Hypocrisy

It is fascinating to see people accusing others of things that they themselves are doing, especially when their own sins are worse. ...

The Progressive Legacy: Part III

The same presumptions of superior wisdom and virtue behind the interventionism of Progressive Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson in the domestic economy also led them to be interventionists...

The Progressive Legacy: Part II

"Often wrong but never in doubt" is a phrase that summarizes much of what was done by Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, the two giants of the Progressive...

The ‘Progressive’ Legacy

Although Barack Obama is the first black President of the United States, he is by no means unique, except for his complexion. He follows in the footsteps of other...

The Anti-Romney Vote

A funny thing happened to Mitt Romney on the way to his coronation as the inevitable Republican candidate for President of the United States. Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado happened....

A Brass Age?

This may be the golden age of presumptuous ignorance. The most recent demonstrations of that are the Occupy Wall Street mobs. It is doubtful how many of these semi-literate...