About: Thomas R. Eddlem
Posts by Thomas R. Eddlem
FISA Court: Telecoms Must Help Warrantless Wiretaps
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review has ruled that telecommunications companies must assist the executive branch in wiretapping American citizens’ e-mail messages and phone calls, the New York...
Holder’s Hopeful Words on Waterboarding
Attorney General nominee Eric H. Holder, Jr. unequivocally said “Waterboarding is torture” at his confirmation hearing January 15. Asked if he would prosecute those who engaged in felony torture...
Bush Unwittingly Sums Up His Presidency
President Bush unwittingly summed up the eight years of his presidency in what was expected to be the final press conference on January 12. “I readily concede I chunked...
Obama’s Plan: Increase the $1.2 Trillion Deficit
President-elect Barack Obama has a plan to bring the federal budget under control: spend more and increase the record $1.2 trillion deficit projected for the current fiscal year. ...
U.S. Soldier Exposes Torture at Guantanamo
Marine Sgt. Heather Cerveny has exposed torture at Guantanamo, despite high-level pressure to suppress the information. Though the military initially dismissed her allegations, the patriotic Marine sergeant has now...
Senate Report Fails to Call Guantanamo Abuse Torture
The bipartisan report on detainee torture at Guantanamo (pdf) released by the Senate Armed Services Committee on December 11 did a good job of telling Americans what they should...
The World Government Two-Step
Regional arrangements such as the EU and the proposed FTAA supposedly promote free trade, but their real purpose is to gradually merge nations into a world government. ...
Defender of the Decalogue
Determined to preserve the Founders’ vision of God-given rights, Chief Justice Roy Moore has been targeted by Morris Dees and like-minded leftist radicals. ...
Ten Anti-Death Penalty Fallacies
The case against capital punishment relies on myth, misinformation, and misplaced emotionalism. ...
Global Gun Grab
It’s open season on the right to keep and bear arms as UN globocrats gear up for international gun controls. ...
From Tyranny to Liberty
For Drs. Barbara and Michael Geldner, the unspeakable horrors of Hitler's Auschwitz and Stalin's Siberia have fueled an undying devotion to liberty. ...
Our Sovereignty Trade-Away
Congressional approval of the latest round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was a victory for international socialism and a defeat of the principles of America's Founding...
NAFTA: The Misnamed Treaty
The North American "Free Trade" Agreement is 1,700 pages of unconstitutional government intervention. ...