About: Steve Byas
Posts by Steve Byas
Scalia Fears Court Will End Capital Punishment
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told law students at the University of Minnesota that he would not be surprised if the Supreme Court would declare all states' death penalty...
Bombshell E-mails: Bush, Blair Talked Peace in Iraq but Planned Invasion
Leaked bombshell e-mails show that while former President George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair were publicly talking peace in Iraq, behind closed doors they were...
Why the Left Hates Columbus
The anniversary of the discovery by Columbus of the New World is yet another opportunity for the dissemination of leftist propaganda against Christianity and Western civilization. ...
Expect More Federal Control of Education with Obama’s New Education Chief
The selection of John King as "acting" secretary of education is yet another indication that Obama does not respect any checks on his powers by the Congress. ...
Germany: Sexual Abuse in Migrant Camps Result of Merkel’s “Open Borders”
The widespread sexual assaults in Germany’s migrant camps provide a vivid illustration of the growing crisis associated with waves of “asylum seekers” from several Middle Eastern countries following Chancellor...
Boehner Ally Tom Cole Condemns Boehner’s Critics
Congressman Tom Cole (R-Okla.) calls GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz (R-Texas) classless, tasteless, and counterproductive for criticizing John Boehner. ...
What Killed Black Progress?
The Left chants “Black lives matter,” while instituting policies that often result in resentful, downtrodden black Americans. One cannot both care and continue on the same path. ...
Justice Breyer’s New Book Advocates Foreign Law in U.S. Courts
Although Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, he has made clear in his new book, The Court and the World: American Law...
Do DNA Tests Really Prove President Harding Fathered Illegitimate Child?
The media has been quick to accept conclusions drawn from DNA tests concerning a conservative Republican president, Warren Harding, but what do they really prove? ...
County Clerk Kim Davis Vows to “Keep on Pressing”
Rowan County, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis was freed from jail on Tuesday, five days after being arrested for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses. However, constitutional and moral questions...
Ann Bids Bye-bye to America
Ann Coulter presents the case in her new book, ¡Adios, America!, that massive illegal immigration represents a threat to the fabric of the country as a whole. ...
Iran Deal: GOP-controlled Congress Hands Obama Another Win
Holding all the cards, the Republican-controlled Congress has chosen to hand Obama yet another victory. ...
Racist New Black Panthers Escalate War on Local Police
The New Black Panthers' call for violence against law enforcement is the latest salvo in the sharply escalating war against local police. ...
CBO Report on National Debt Paints Grim Picture
If Congress does not address the growing national debt, Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall warned, it will soon reach a "tipping point." ...
Trump Gives New Life to Bill on Birthright Citizenship
Trump has made the U.S. government policy of giving automatic citizenship to the children of illegal aliens an issue in his presidential campaign. ...