About: Steve Byas
Posts by Steve Byas
The Student Aid Funds Case and the Garland Nomination
A recent case rejected for consideration by the Supreme Court illustrates why the Senate should stand firm, and take no action on the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland. ...
Judge Rules for House Republicans in ObamaCare Lawsuit
A federal judge has handed ObamaCare a defeat, and a victory to the concept of separation of powers. ...
Religious Liberty Victory in Oklahoma
Christians are under increasing attack for their faith, but they did win a recent victory for religious liberty in Oklahoma. ...
Iran Deal Lies: Should Americans Trust Presidents on Foreign Policy?
The false information put out by the Obama White House concerning the Iran nuclear deal raises the larger question: Should we trust presidents so much in foreign affairs? ...
John Birch Society National Campaign: Support Your Local Police
John Birch Society speaker James Fitzgerald is traveling American pleading with Americans to "Support Your Local Police — and Keep Them Independent!" ...
Cameron Cautions British Exit of EU Could Mean World War III
British Prime Minister David Cameron, desperate to win the upcoming June referendum on whether to leave the European Union, has resorted to the doomsday scenario, arguing that such an...
Ryan Raises Issue of Presidential Power
Regardless of what Speaker Paul Ryan's motivation is, he has raised a very important issue — the growth of presidential power. ...
Skull and Bones Files at Bush Library to be Released
Will we learn anything about the hyper-secretive Skull and Bones fraternity when several hundred pages of files concerning it are released by the Bush Library? ...
Trump Reverses — Now Open to Minimum-wage Hike
Now that he apparently has secured the nomination, Donald Trump has joined with Democrat rivals Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in supporting an increase in the minimum wage. ...
Army Captain Sues Obama Over War Powers
The lawsuit of an Army captain challenges the assertion by the president that he can make war on his own, without congressional approval. ...
Kansas Defies Obama on Syrian Refugees
Despite threats from the Obama administration, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has opted to protect the people of his state, by refusing to cooperate with the resettlement of Syrian refugees....
Oral Roberts University Case Another Threat to Religious Schools
Christian institutions of higher learning are in the crosshairs of the secular Left for following their beliefs. ...
Oklahoma House Votes for Exemption to Real ID
Devotees of individual liberty won a great victory in Oklahoma when its House of Representatives voted for an exemption from biometric collection, illustrating what one person can do in...
Tubman’s Replacement of Jackson Highlights Currency Changes
Move over, Andrew Jackson. Your time on the face of the $20 Federal Reserve Note is at an end. You are being replaced by Harriet Tubman. ...
California Targets Second Amendment-protected Rights
The California Senate’s Public Safety Committee heard several bills on April 19, all designed to severely restrict Second Amendment-protected rights. ...