About: Steve Byas
Posts by Steve Byas
John Foster Dulles: How This Early “Deep-Stater” Harmed America
John Foster Dulles — a politician following in his family’s footsteps — decided the world needed global government, so he worked to achieve it, including backing dictators. ...
What to Do When the FBI Breaks the Laws to Obtain a FISA Warrant?
The Constitution protects our rights — but what is to be done when the government ignores the Constitution? ...
Mnuchin Says Trump Might Do TPP After All
In 2017, Trump called TPP a "rape" of America. Now he and his treasury secretary are signaling that they might do TPP. ...
V.P. Mike Pence: Legal Abortion Will End in America
States can take action — now — to implement Mike Pence's dream of ending legal abortion. ...
New South African President to Follow Zimbabwean Redistribution Model
Under an openly racist redistributionist policy announced by South Africa’s new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, land will be taken away from whites and given to black South Africans — all...
Pro-abortion Senator Kamala Harris Complains About Children Being Killed
Though Senator Kamala Harris is upset at "babies" being killed with gunshots, she favors the legalized killing of babies in the womb. ...
NRA’s LaPierre Warns That Socialists Are Smearing Gun Rights Advocates
Wayne LaPierre of the NRA is right in saying that socialists generally don't value liberty much — including the right to keep and bear arms. ...
China Advises the United States to Adopt Stricter Gun Control
China, in typical Communist and Orwellian fashion, says that the U.S. government should protect rights by taking away rights. ...
Multimillionaire Abortionist Compares Pro-lifers to Taliban
Is simply handling out leaflets on the sidewalks in front of an abortion clinic comparable to the actions of the Taliban, or is it simply an exercise of free...
Justice Thomas: Supreme Court Does Not Give Second Amendment Due Respect
To paraphrase George Orwell, some parts of the Bill of Rights are apparently more equal than others, to the present Supreme Court, at least in the opinion of Justice...
Thousands Protest Bahar’s Comparison of Christianity to Mental Illness
The View’s Joy Behar's "joke" sums up what the secular left-wing culture thinks of Christians — they are mentally ill. ...
The Story of a Patriot Who Fought the Con-Con in South Dakota
Kitty Werthmann, a woman who escaped the tyranny of National Socialism and Communism in Austria, understands why we need to defeat the call for a Constitutional Convention. ...
Monday Is “Washington’s Birthday Observed”
Although popularly referred to as "Presidents' Day," the legal name of the third Monday in February is Washington's Birthday Observed. This is as it should be. Putting Washington in...
Did Jefferson Have Dalliances?
For a variety of reasons, critics have claimed that Thomas Jefferson, after his wife’s death, fathered children with his slave Sally Hemings, but the facts say otherwise. ...
University of Central Oklahoma Reverses Itself and Will Let Ken Ham Speak
Faced with a growing backlash, UCO in Oklahoma has decided it will let Answers in Genesis founder Ken Ham speak after all. ...