About: Steve Byas
Posts by Steve Byas
Tillerson and Kelly Tried to Undermine Trump, Haley Reveals in New Book
Former Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley observed the undermining of President Trump first-hand, coming from former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff...
Constitutional Scholars Downplay Impeachability of Trump Phone Call
The Constitution gives four reasons for impeachment — and constitutional scholars say nothing in the Trump phone call falls within those four reasons. ...
Ballot Problems in Philadelphia Spotlight Voting-machine Issues
Voting machine problems are another reason we should keep the Electoral College. ...
Are Europeans Fed Up With Liberalism — Even in Sweden?
Could even Sweden reject liberalism? ...
Constitution Under Attack: Article V Convention Greater Threat Than Open Attacks
Parts of the political Left are coming right out and admitting that they want to get rid of the U.S. Constitution, in favor of pure democracy — despite the...
Trump Expected to Pull U.S. Out of Unconstitutional Paris Climate Agreement
Considering that President Donald Trump has been quite vocal in his intentions to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate agreement, speculation has it that he will now...
The Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson
Donald Trump is not the first U.S. president to suffer character assassination by opponents who hope to turn their personal dislike of the man into impeachment. It happened to...
Effort to Strip Oklahoma Legislature From Congressional Redistricting Begun
Supposedly independent redistricting commissions are really just another attack upon our republican form of government and federalism. ...
Rand Paul Attacks American Socialists AOC, Bernie Sanders, Others — in New Book
Rand Paul's new book demonstrates that socialism is bad, whatever name it goes by. ...
Americans Fear “Civil War”
The “Battleground Poll,” run by Georgetown University’s Institute of Politics and Public Service, has found that 67 percent of respondents fear that the United States is on the verge...
October 24 UN Day — The Day of Shame
Any American who values our nation's independence and his or her own liberty should support the call of The John Birch Society for the United States to pull out...
Ted Cruz Challenges Sanctuary City Propaganda
The Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee wanted to leave the impression that all illegal aliens being protected in sanctuary cities are just nonviolent grandmothers, but Texas' Ted Cruz...
California 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary to Include Independents
California Secretary of State Alex Padilla announced Monday that the state’s Democratic Party is going to allow registered independents — 28 percent of the electorate in the Golden State...
Police Groups Oppose Beto’s Plan to Confiscate Guns
Beto O'Rourke is showing no more respect for the 10th Amendment than he does the First and Second Amendments, with his latest plan to order cops to confiscate guns....