About: Steve Byas
Posts by Steve Byas
Would Ted Cruz Make a Good President?
If elected president, would Ted Cruz follow the Constitution and protect the liberties of the people? ...
Senators’ Letter to Iran Raises Constitutional Questions
After 47 Republican U.S. senators sent a letter to Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran, cautioning him that any agreement he might reach with President Obama over Iran's nuclear weapons program...
M. Stanton Evans: Death of a Patriot
Death took M. Stanton Evans on March 3, but the impact of his life will continue through his eight books, multiple articles, and determined leadership in the cause of...
Advanced Placement History Standards Create Controversy in Oklahoma
Conservative critics say these new standards have an overall theme that America's history is simply that of one oppression after another. ...
Crony Capitalist Pickens’ Role at GOP Conference Raises Questions
The inclusion of T. Boone Pickens, an energy tycoon, at the 2015 Southern Republican Leadership Conference (SRLC) in May raises some questions as to just how dedicated some SRLC...
Atheist Group Wants to Stop Bible Distribution
School administrators have to worry about a lot of things, including drugs or weapons kids might bring to school, but what concerns the Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF)...
Is Brian Williams Typical of the Media?
Considering that the liberal mainstream media has a long track record of favoring politicians who wish to expand the size, scope, and power of government, one has to wonder...
Kasich and Other Governors: Who’s Not Truthful About Common Core?
Though Ohio Governor John Kasich accused other potential Republican presidential nominees of lying about problems with Common Core, it would appear that it is Kasich who has his facts...
Accusations of Ben Carson Plagiarism Obscure Real Issues
Dr. Ben Carson's views on government are much more important than whether he missed a citation in his book. ...
Libel: Warren Harding Was Our Worst President
President Warren Harding is often condemned by historians as a corrupt, incompetent president — odd for a man who was respected and praised for honesty while alive. ...
California Motorists Pay Double-Tax Under Cap and Trade
Under cap and trade, energy costs will skyrocket, and consumers will pay those costs. ...
Mexico Libel
The claim that the United States went to war to take Texas from Mexico, though widely believed, is untrue. ...
Will “Conservatives” Give Us a New Constitution?
While one can certainly sympathize with Sen. Tom Coburn and other "conservative" proponents of a constitutional convention who are sincerely concerned with any infringement on the rights of the...
Indian Sports Mascots and Politics
As political pressure leads to the increasing elimination of the term redskin for school and sports mascots, it should be considered what the term "redskin" actually means, and whether...
A Choice Not an Echo, Fifty Years Later
In her 2014 update to A Choice Not and Echo, Phyllis Schlafly demonstrates that not much has changed, as Republican candidates for president have remained nothing but an "echo"...