Sheldon Richman, Author at The New American - Page 5 of 6
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About: Sheldon Richman

Are Americans Not Submissive Enough?

“I don’t know if America has a leadership problem; it certainly has a followership problem,” New York Times columnist David Brooks laments. “Vast majorities of Americans don’t trust their...

How to Get Money out of Politics

Watching the television pundits fret over campaign finance is amusing, because the solution to their problem is right under their noses. They just don’t want to see it. As...

U.S. Should Steer Clear of Syria

We should be grateful that the Obama administration seems disinclined to intervene militarily in Syria. But let’s note that the administration has not kept hands off. In a variety...

Romney and Bain Capital

Presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is essentially playing one card in his quest for Barack Obama’s job: his business experience taught him how economies work. But Romney’s own pitch...

Obama, bin Laden, and Mitt

The partisan squabbling over the killing of Osama bin Laden is a typical election-year distraction, effectively squelching discussion of more important matters one year after the execution of the...

Barack Obama: Corporatist

Last November, President Obama stood before an audience and said government needs to be “responsive to the needs of people, not the needs of special interests.” He added, “That...

Clinton’s Loose War Talk

When President Obama spoke before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee some weeks ago, he admonished those who engaged in “loose talk of war” about Iran. Apparently, his secretary...

Out of Afghanistan Now!

Memo from the people of Afghanistan to the United States: Get out! Now!   The mass demonstrations in Afghanistan, punctuated by anti-American violence, carry a clear message: After more...