Sheldon Richman, Author at The New American
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About: Sheldon Richman

Two Kinds of Income Inequality

Income inequality is back in the news, propelled by an Oxfam International report and President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address. The question is whether government needs to...

Stop Those Who Would Stop Uber

What is the world coming to when any company can come to a city and arrogantly do business without asking permission, in essence, of those against whom it would...

Obama Follows Bush’s Iraq Playbook

U.S. politicians are exploiting the gruesome beheadings of two American journalists to whip up war fever against ISIS, the “criminal gang” masquerading as an organization of devout Sunni Muslims...

Mission Creep in Iraq

There are several reasons not to intervene militarily in another country’s conflict, even modestly. One is the potential for mission creep. ...

Out of Iraq, Etc.!

The rise of the brutal Islamic State, with its unspeakable violence against innocents, is an appalling but unsurprising outcome of the last 100 years, including seven decades of neocolonialist...