About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
“Defund the Police”? The Method to the Left’s Madness
Certain leftists want to eliminate the police because they want to become the police. ...
Unseen Death: Did the George Floyd Riots Just Kill Gun Control and COVID-19?
With the ongoing protests over George Floyd’s death, it’s plain that many people just don’t seem concerned about COVID-19 anymore. But will the Minneapolis-inspired mayhem also cure the gun-control...
The Death of David Dorn: To BLM, Black Lives Matter Not
David Dorn, murdered by rioters in Tuesday’s wee hours while defending a friend’s business, was a 77-year-old retired black police captain but also much, much more. ...
Heighten the Curve: Why Opened States’ COVID “Spikes” Are Meaningless
States that have “opened” from coronavirus lockdowns have, as many predicted, generally experienced no appreciable increase in pandemic intensity. Nonetheless, mainstream media have continued portraying every odd COVID-19 “spike”...
Minneapolis Burning: Rioter Yells “Shoot the White Folk!”
“Shoot the white folk!” is something you won’t hear in the mainstream media. It sure was heard on Minneapolis streets Wednesday night, though, as authorities fiddled while the city...
Fauci on Masks, NO; Fauci on Masks, YES. Which Fauci Should We Believe?
One thing about our Dr. Anthony Fauci is that he really does have something for everyone: If you don’t like his position, just wait a bit — he’ll change...
Ex-Cosmo Writer Admits Creating FAKE News to Advance Feminism; Superiors Told Her to Lie
She wove fiction in with the facts, but she doesn’t call it “fake news.” Believing that’s too vague a term, ex-Cosmopolitan writer Sue Ellen Browder describes what she peddled...
Viral Video: Enraged, COVID-crazed Mob Chases Unmasked Woman from Supermarket
In a striking example of the mob mentality at work, a woman was recently chased from a supermarket in Staten Island, New York, because she wasn’t wearing a mask....
COVID: Evangelicals and Their Belief in an Afterlife Are KILLING Us, Says Harvard Professor
First it was the New York Times claiming that Christians and their “science denialism” were sending us to “coronavirus hell.” Now, perhaps missing the irony that atheistic China visited...
JP Morgan Study: COVID Lockdowns INEFFECTIVE; Millions of Livelihoods Being Destroyed for NOTHING
Are politicians now continuing the lockdowns because admitting error — that they’re guilty of advancing one of American history’s greatest blunders — would mean political destruction? Are they continuing...
COVID Craziness: Lockdowns for Us but Not 67K Criminals — Now Killing Americans
Lock down those who are supposed to be free — and free those supposed to be locked up. That’s the formula being applied, and it’s leading to rising crime,...
Cuomo Bros Joke, but Media Malpractice and Andrew’s Nursing Home Kills Are No Laughing Matter
There’s nothing wrong with a little humor. But when a joke of a governorship and a joke of a news program meet, it really is no laughing matter. ...
Did Gov Destroy Economy for NOTHING? COVID May Be Less Deadly Than Flu, Study Finds
Does the Wuhan coronavirus’s fearsome reputation greatly exceed its reality? A Stanford University study indicates that this is precisely the case, finding that the disease’s mortality rate may be...
Did a Judge Just Rule That the Democrats May Steal Texas Via Vote-by-mail?
It’s well known that, given how the large states of California and New York reliably vote Democrat, Republicans must win Texas in a presidential election to have any realistic...
That Other Disease: Even Conservatives Now Supporting Hate-crime Law in Georgia
The latest example of creeping leftism in America is how even many “conservatives” in Georgia — a (formerly?) “red” state — are supporting a new hate-crime law. ...