About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Panning the Pancake Lady: Aunt Jemima Has Been Canceled
What do the Keystone XL pipeline workers and Aunt Jemima have in common? They’re both now unemployed — for no good reason. ...
Biden’s Immigration Policy: YOU Must Be Tested and Masked While Illegals Spread COVID
If you want to enter the United States via airplane, you first must have a negative COVID-19 test. And even with that, you still must wear a mask while...
LA Times Writer Compares Charitable “Trump” Neighbors to Nazis, Not Realizing They’re Nicer People
They shoveled her driveway — and she shoveled dirt at them in return. By now you might have heard about Virginia Heffernan, liberal Lost Angeles Times writer and tacitly...
Disloyal Elites Are PURPOSELY Hurting America to Benefit China — and Themselves
A Chinese system with a small ruling oligarchy suits the ruling pseudo-elites of America just fine. ...
Prominent University Pushes “Retreat” to Purge Racism From “White Christian Folks”
If you’re white and Christian, you just must have “racism” in your heart, the theory goes. But fret not; help is on the way. For Tufts University is promoting...
AOC Shows That Like “White Supremacists,” Near-death Experiences Are a Dime a Dozen Now
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has maintained that although she wasn’t even in the Capitol building when protesters breached it, she nonetheless believed the grim reaper was nigh — and now she’s...
GameStopping Freedom: The Pseudo-Elites Use Censorship to Keep the Little Guy Little
But perhaps underappreciated about the GameStop stop is how Establishment Finance used censorship to stymie its competition. ...
Study: College “Diversity” Schemes Worsen Stereotypes and Intensify Alienation
A new report from the think tank the Center for Equal Opportunity (CEO) finds that campus diversity efforts are actually destructive. ...
Report: Bank of America Gave Feds Customer Data After Capitol Riot — for No Good Reason
Bank of America had no problem handing over the private information of innocent customers to federal investigators on a witch hunt for Capitol riot “right-wing extremists.” ...
France: Jihad Fighter Le Pen Has Record Poll Numbers After Proposing Ban on “Islamist Ideologies”
While the globalists succeeded in ousting President Trump, there are signs that patriotic French leader Marine Le Pen could trump the establishment in her nation’s presidential election next year....
School Aims to Punish Christian Girl for Refusing to Attend Explicit “Sex-ed” Class
A Christian Illinois high-school senior now faces punishment for refusing to be party to our Sexual Devolution. ...
New Bill in Congress Essentially Nullifies the Second Amendment
Leftists have made clear that they believe only the government should have guns, and a new bill proposed in Congress would be a huge step toward making this a...
Is Our $27 TRILLION National Debt Now Too Scary to Even Discuss?
Once a sense of futility sets in, people just give up. This truth comes to mind when pondering our national debt, now a whopping $27 trillion. For unlike Harry...
Are Catholics Immune to COVID? Catholic Schools Open While Gov Schools Make Excuses
Why are Catholic schools open and managing COVID-19 just fine while teachers unions insist on keeping government schools closed? ...
Radical New Calif. “Ethnic Studies” Curriculum Is Hate-America-first Indoctrination
Everyone should be concerned about the Golden State’s new Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC). For while the name sounds nice, it’s only a model for national destruction. ...