About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Did Big Tech Racial Bias Enable the NYC Subway Shooter?
The social-media account Libs of TikTok has been suspended by Twitter simply for showing videos of leftists talking about themselves. Meanwhile, the vile and racist videos of criminal Frank...
Trans-insanity: Male U.K. Cops “Identifying” as Women May Strip-search Female Suspects
Just recently, a man placed in a women’s prison because he “identified” as female impregnated two inmates. That happened in New Jersey. But nearer to the old Jersey, in...
Lib Columnist Blames GOP for Americans’ Lack of “Common National Identity”
America’s fractiousness, says pundit Leonard Pitts, is the pits. We’ve lost “the willingness and ability to share a common national identity,” he complains — as a result of Republicans’...
In the Name of “Diversity,” Schools Are Dumping Tests and Pursuing Racial Discrimination
Schools have nixed merit-based entrance exams driven by a racial motive — increasing the number of black and Hispanic students and reducing the presence of whites and Asian-descent youths....
MAGA Madness? Researchers: Trump’s Rhetoric Made His Supporters More Prejudiced
“SPREADING HATE: New study shows Trump presidency normalized hatred and bigotry in MAGA followers.” So reads an April 11 headline at the website Occupy Democrats. What the researchers themselves...
As the West Indulges Putin Derangement Syndrome, China Delivers Science-fiction-like COVID Dystopia
The videos are eerie. People locked in their apartments and reportedly unable to obtain food. Thousands of desperate voices screaming in unison through the windows of large building complexes....
Feds Fine Wind-farm Company Millions for Killing Eagles — After Encouraging Wind Power
Some might say it’s a lot of hot air. First “green” energy endeavors threatened the North Maine Woods and a pre-Columbian forest in Germany. Now comes news that wind-power...
Bias? City to Dole Out $900-monthly Basic Income — but Only to “Transgenders”
If it’s true that you get more of what you pay for, we’re about to have more “transgender” and “non-binary” people. At least in Palm Springs, California, anyway. Because...
Democrats’ Bill May Allow Illegal Aliens to Be Police Officers in This State
Perhaps this is to be expected when, as is common now, we hear that we’re not a nation of citizens, but a “nation of immigrants.” ...
“Hypocrisy”: Ex-insubordinate Cop Eric Adams Fires Mother for Speaking Out Against Under-5 Masking
“Eric Adams is demanding that no one disagrees with him, but has conveniently forgotten the very many times he publicly humiliated the NYPD when he was a cop.” ...
5G Can Bring Faster Internet — and Frightful 1984 Tyranny, China Style
The innovation threatens to give government the capacity to monitor and control everything, everyone, everywhere, all the time. ...
Ex-“transgender” Man: Biden Is “Promoting Institutionalized Child Abuse”
“This is institutionalized child abuse; they’re working on destroying an entire generation of children.” So said Walt Heyer, a former “transgender” person, on Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle on...
Claim: “The Democrats Have a Pedo Problem”
Is it a coincidence that it was the liberal Los Angeles Times that, in 2013, suggested pedophilia is an inborn “sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality”? Is it a...
Another Race-card Play: Study Claims Pandemic Widened the Black/White Gun-violence Gap
A new study claims that the COVID-19 situation “exacerbated” children’s “exposure” to firearm violence and that the increase was more significant among non-white kids. Yet what it claims is...
Did a Woke Med Student Purposely Mistreat a Patient for Mocking Her Pronoun Pin?
This is just one example of our ongoing national crisis: that descent into moral relativism/nihilism and vice that touches everything. ...