About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
U.S. Drops in Human Freedom Index; Ranks Behind Ex-communist Nations
The United States now ranks 23rd, behind countries such as Germany, Canada, and Britain, and former communist lands such as Latvia and Estonia. ...
Very Angry Man Claims That “Every Month Is White History Month”
Anger is like darkness: The more there is, the less you can see. This is a good reason why angry people shouldn’t helm social-change movements and, to the point...
Equity Over Safety: Did an Affirmative-action Pilot Crash a Plane?
An airline’s purpose apparently isn’t to provide air transport as efficiently and safely as possible, but to “advance racial equity by expanding career development opportunities.” ...
Liberal Filmmaker Believed in “Gender Transitioning” — Until Seeing What Befell Her Son
How can you know the “transgender” narrative is perhaps starting to collapse? Answer: when even hardcore liberals begin questioning it. And, well, that’s finally happening. First there was a...
Autogynephilia: The Perversion Behind the Perversion That Is “Transgenderism”
Increasingly, Americans are learning that there’s no valid science behind so-called transgenderism, and that the term is not a scientific designation but a political one. What’s more, despite modern-day...
Does Tiger’s “You Play Like a Girl” Joke Reveal Feminist Hypocrisy?
It was 26 years ago, as Tiger Woods was poised to win the 1997 Masters tournament, that he was the object of a joke by fellow golfer Fuzzy Zoeller...
The Military Prioritizes Diversity While Our Enemies Focus on Killing Us
Did you hear about the new Chinese and Russian military doctrine stating that they will not, under any circumstances, attack a diverse opposing force? Me neither. Despite this, the...
A World Without the West
While it has become fashionable to find fault with Western civilization, a world without the West would not be a pleasant place for anyone accustomed to peace, prosperity, and...
Washington: The Hero Even King George Called “The Greatest Man in the World”
George Washington was the strongest of men who, along with other giants, created for us the best of times. Only by honoring and emulating the best he represented can...
The New Jim Crow: Under Biden, Straight White Men Need Not Apply
It was always there, just beneath the surface. Late radio giant Rush Limbaugh called it get-even-with-’em-ism. It’s that hostility that ever underlay racial quotas and that now, being more...
Former “Transgender” Clinic Worker Blows Whistle: What’s Done to Kids Is “Morally and Medically Appalling”
Jamie Reed didn’t want to speak up. After all, she understood the possible career ramifications for exposing the malpractice at the pediatric “transgender” clinic for which she once worked....
White Man Murdered in Interracial Incident, No Homicide Charges Filed, as Right to Self-defense Is Eroded
People have long lamented “bystander apathy,” as we make a motto of “See something, say something!” Yet it now appears the powers-that-be are demanding victim apathy. Of course, couple...
Geological Study Refutes Green Energy Agenda: Not Enough Metals to Replace Oil
Many points are made when discussing the green energy agenda’s infeasibility. It has been noted that wind and solar can’t provide our energy needs, that powering the United States...
The Atlantic Attacks the Constitution: Says It’s “Going to Get Women Killed”
Should the Constitution just be destroyed, with even the original document burned so that it may never, ever rear its head again? Nobody of note has yet suggested this,...