About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
You Won’t BELIEVE the Sports Team Name Cancel Cultists Now Demand Be Changed
Redskins. Indians. Aunt Jemima. Uncle Ben. Cream of Wheat's black chef. Land O'Lakes' Indian woman. All gone. And now ... ? ...
Starbucks Pays Big for Anti-white Discrimination. But Has Big Business Learned Its Lesson?
To corporate America, the occasional payout is inconsequential compared to politically correct benefits such as friendly media treatment, the receipt of woke capital, cocktail-party-circuit acceptance, immunity to fed scrutiny...
Increasing World Economic Equality Means Decreasing Life Quality — for Westerners
Increased competition in worldwide wealth creation means Westerners’ relative purchasing power decreases. ...
U.K. Schools Teaching Sodomy and Other Explicit Sexual Behaviors to Children Under 12
Infamous sexual deviate the Marquis de Sade, from whose name we get “sadism,” was imprisoned 250 years ago for carnal debauchery. Today he just might be formulating educational curricula....
Teacher Suspended for Targeting White Males; Accused Them of Domination
The English teacher also reportedly exposed her students to a sexually explicit and overtly satanic music video. ...
Think We’re Declining Morally? You’re Detached From Reality, Say Researchers
Pay no attention to that libertine behind the curtain! While you may think our civilization is in moral decline, this is merely an illusion exhibited by vice-lamenting doomsayers across...
“Biden’s G.I. Joke”: Military Goes Woke; U.S. May End Up Broke(n)
The Army will miss its 2023 recruitment target by a whopping 25 percent. Is it any wonder red-blooded American males don't want to join up? ...
Celebrating Sin? Biden’s Church Holds “Pride” Mass; Devout Catholics Protest
We’ve all heard of clergymen converting people. Yet in Joe Biden’s case, he just might have converted a clergyman. Some may draw this conclusion with news that the Washington,...
Ukraine: How the Mainstream Media Learned to LOVE Nazis
Leftists and their media may hate Nazis, but hate is an emotion, a mercurial thing. And when situational imperatives change those emotions, Nazis can become heroes. ...
The Muslim-Democrat Clash Intensifies: U.S. City May Ban LGBTQ Flags
“Our strength lies in our diversity!” Some may wonder for how much longer we’ll hear this rallying cry now that leftists, at least in one U.S. city, are being...
The Tech Giants Whose GOAL Is Human Extinction
In the year 2000, Sun Microsystems cofounder Bill Joy wrote an essay provocatively titled “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us.” Despite being published April 1, it was no joke;...
Leftist Mag Jumps the Shark: Claims Founders Were “Woke” (Compared to Today’s GOP)
The author appears to be calling on fellow leftists to take a break from hating the Founders and defaming them as oppressors (and tearing down their statues), and instead...
Rainbow Flag Burned at a School Is a “Hate Crime.” Burning U.S. Flag? That’s “Protected Speech.”
You can tell much about a society by what its establishment is sensitive to. For example, while Major League Baseball dropped the Chief Wahoo logo and other American Indian...
USA Today: Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports Is a Bigoted “Sham”
USA Today, some may say, is so yesterday. This may be especially true now that the paper has published an op-ed in which it states that opposition to having...
Captain Obvious? Study: Using Strange “Gender” Pronouns Will Cost You Jobs
It’s not just that thinking you can have your very own pronouns is a bit self-centered. It’s also that, new research shows, using “non-binary” pronouns on job applications reduces...