About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Sex-selective Abortions and the Anti-choice People Who Oppose Them
It seems that all abortion is equal. But some varieties are more equal than others. In Britain, where even Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher was iron-hearted enough to vote for...
The Link between the Contraception Issue and Islam
While I’m sure Barack Obama loves to stick it to traditional religious institutions any way he can, he certainly doesn’t want to stick it to himself in the process....
Obama, Contraception, and Freedom of Association: Constitutional Guys Finish Last
It’s ironic that it is Barack Obama now ramming a contraception policy down Catholics’ and other Americans’ throats. Little more than a month ago, former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos...
High-school Shocker: Lesson Sheet Elevates Communism over “Capitalism”
When parent Jeff Travis saw a lesson sheet his son received in social studies class, he was shocked. Using propaganda that could have been disgorged by the KGB, the...
Obama the Polarizer: The Most Divisive President Ever?
President G.W. Bush might very well have been sincere when he proclaimed, “I’m a uniter, not a divider,” but it nevertheless was boilerplate political rhetoric. Barack Obama, too, campaigned...
Watching Our Language: The Left-Right Language Barrier
Language barriers are obviously an impediment to communication. If one man speaks Chinese and another Swedish, it may be hard for them to settle even simple matters, let alone...
“Gender-neutral” Childrearing: When a Sexual Hang-up Leads to Child Abuse
First there was “Pop” in Sweden, then “Storm” in Canada. Now out of Britain comes Sasha, a boy, we hear, who is being raised by his parents in a...
Liberal Greed: Barack Obama and the Real One Percent
Forget Mitt Romney and Bain Capital. If you want to find the real greedy one percent, you need look no further than Barack Obama. According to tax returns released...
How You Can Tell if a Candidate Is Serious About Ending Illegal Migration
Imagine that your son has a habit of sprinkling copious amounts of bird seed and setting up impromptu birdbaths in your yard. You then notice that your property is...
Romney’s Whiteness and the Times’ Lightness: Both a Liability
It’s interesting that liberals accuse traditionalists of wanting to turn back the clock. For they themselves live in 1952. To be precise, where those on the right want to...
The Hypocrisy and Foolishness of Warren Buffett
Despite his advanced age, it appears Warren Buffett has never heard the admonition, “Practice what you preach.” And it seems that some of his apologists haven’t, either. ...
Silly Things We Hear: “Communism Works on Paper”
While discussing on The View recently how North Korean heir Kim Jong Un enjoyed the luxury of being sent to a Swiss boarding school, Whoopi Goldberg said the following, “This...
Stealing Elections for Democrats: Games the Media Play
The Democrats have the best public-relations team in the world. It’s called the U.S. media. As a consequence, the Republicans essentially have to spot the Democrats a...
Obama’s Great Legislative Accomplishments
“I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, FDR, and Lincoln — just...
Christopher Hitchens: Godlessness Is Not Great — How Atheism Poisons Everything
In writing this piece, I’m reminded of a little exchange between the late William F. Buckley and friend and fellow National Review writer Florence King. Buckley had just penned...